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Ocimum basilicum commonly known as basil or albauba, is an annual aromatic herb of the lamiaceae family native to Iran, India and other tropical regions of Asia, which has been cultivated for several millennia.
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The basil is an annual herb, cultivated as perennial in tropical climates, low growth (between 30 and 130 cm), with opposite leaves of a glossy green, oval or ovate, toothed and silky texture, measuring 3 to 11 cm Of length by 1 to 6 cm of width. It emits terminal floral spikes with white or violet tubular flowers which, unlike those of the rest of the family, have the four stamens and the pistil resting on the lower lip of the corolla. After entomophilic pollination, the corolla detaches and four round achenes develop within the bilabial chalice.


It fights depression, exhaustion, insomnia and migraine. It is digest.iva, antispasmodic, against inappetence, nervous dyspepsia, it is carminative, it can increase the secretion of milk in the mothers. It is diuretic and decreases febrile states. It is used as digestive, gastrointestinal spasms, diuretic, intestinal parasites and dyspepsia nerve. Also as it violates and soothe skin irritations. In antitussive and is very propitious against pharyngitis and laryngitis. It is used in migraines of nervous or digestive origin, like sedative, desinflamante of canthus and irritated nipples. Activates the inmunologic system and increases the antibodies. Fight acne. They are attributed aphrodisiac properties. It is healing, analgesic, antiseptic and against osteo-articular inflammations.

It is applied in infusions, cakes, poultices, ointments, tinctures, balms, lotions, compresses syrups, soaps, creams, fresh and dry powder.

The medicinal properties of basil are not usually too widespread, however, they are many and worth noting just a few:
-Combats exhaustion, depression, migraine and insomnia
- Is antispasmodic, digestive, diuretic and carminative
- Is good against inappetence, intestinal parasites and nerve dyspepsia
- Can increase mothers' milk secretion
- Decreases febrile states
- Excellent for soothing skin irritations
- Good for curing laryngitis or pharyngitis
- Inflates canker sores and irritated nipples
- Fights acne
- Has analgesic, antiseptic and healing properties
- Are attributed aphrodisiac characteristics
- Activates the immune system
- Very good against osteo-articular inflammations

Homemade remedies with basil

For medicinal purposes the leaves of the plant

For the headache an infusion is prepared with a tablespoon of dry leaves per 200 ml of water. The plant is dropped into the cup and hot water is added. Cover and let stand 4 minutes. Then strain it and let it cool a little. Then we drink slowly.

To strengthen the hair and prevent it from falling, simply add 100 g of basil leaves to 250 ml of water, and cover it to let it sit for 20 minutes. It is then strained and applied daily on the scalp using a stimulating massage.

For ear pain the fresh leaves are milled and the juice that is extracted is placed at the entrance of the ear.

To relieve sore throat gargle is done with the infusion of the plant.

For sores and canker sores, the leaves are milled and applied to the affected area in poultices.

Helps eliminate acne by infusing the face or affected area

If you want to repel mosquitoes and mosquitoes grow basil in pots and put them in the windows. You can also put twigs on the walls. In case you are bitten you can use the leaves to help deflate and improve the stings with a poultice of basil leaves.


Resultado de imagen para azahar propiedades medicinales

Azahar or Blossom of Azahar is the name of several white flowers; By antonomasia, those of the orange tree, the lemon tree and the tree. The name comes from the Hispanic Arabic azzahár, and this, from the classic Arabic az-zahr (meaning flowers). The name is popularly associated with the orange flower, the most appreciated of all for its beauty, aroma and properties, which are traditionally considered therapeutic.

It is an essential ingredient in various infusions for its sedative properties. Orange blossom also distils essential oil, orange or neroli flower oil.

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This type of flower can be observed during the spring season not only in the fields of cultivation of the mentioned species, but also in the streets and squares of many Spanish cities (especially Valencia, Murcia, Malaga, Cordoba and Seville), where it is used as Ornamental tree and its pleasant fragrance invades the urban environment. In Andalusia and the Region of Murcia is usually related also to Easter, since it usually sprouts in the days before it.

The flower of orange blossom is found in almost all Mexico as in the states of Hidalgo, Morelos, Puebla and Veracruz; Its main medicinal use is to calm the nerves. The treatment consists of cooking the flower and taking it as water for use; It is also used for heartburn, amoeba, bile, diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting, typhoid and stomach pain.

In affections such as cough, flu, pain and infection of throat and hoarseness, the infusion of orange blossom is taken like water of use the fruit with honey or the shell of the lemon with cinnamon. Lemon juice, which is one of the most used parts, is used for the proper functioning of the kidney and to treat blemishes on the skin. Other conditions treated with the fruit are diabetes, liver problems, conjunctivitis and fever.
The medicinal qualities of the orange blossom are:

-It has sedative properties so it is effective for people with nervous disorders, anxiety, insomnia

-Helps people to recover from fainting

-Improves digestion

-Enjoy sleep in hyperactive children

- Helps to treat muscle cramps and aches

-Helps relieve physical tiredness

-Collaborates in the treatment of bronchitis

-Alivia the symptoms of stress

- It favors the relief of the nervous cough, nervous migraine

-Help to treat diarrhea

-It has mild laxative properties

In the form of essential oil helps to cool the environment in rooms too "loaded", while its relaxing aroma is advisable when we want to calm down, for example, after a tiring day.

An interesting option to enjoy most of the properties of the orange blossom is to make a delicious infusion of orange blossom. Take note.

Orange blossom infusion: how to prepare it

Main ingredients

1 tablespoon orange blossom
1 cup of water
Steps to make orange blossom

1) Put the equivalent of a cup of water in a saucepan.

2) Bring to a boil.

3) When it starts to boil, add the tablespoon of orange blossom and boil for 3 minutes.

4) After this time turn off the fire, cover the infusion and leave in rest five minutes.

5) Strap and drink.


Resultado de imagen para hierbabuena

Mentha spicata (Crantz, synonymous M. viridis popularly known as peppermint or spearmint, is a species of the genus Mentha, an aromatic herb widely used in gastronomy and perfumery for its intense and fresh aroma.

It reaches 30 cm in height. The leaves give its name by its lanceolada form (spica means "lance" in Latin); Are very aromatic, closed, glabrous, hairy on the underside. The flowers have a calyx with five approximately equal sepals and glabrous throat. The corolla is lilac, pink or white, and very glandular, up to 3 mm long. The roots are extensive and invasive.
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Benefits of Peppermint
- One of the most important properties of peppermint is that it has antispasmodic and carminative effects, helping to combat digestive problems, especially for cases of indigestion, flatulence and stomach cramps or cramps.
- It is also important in airway treatments because it contains some components that are powerful expectorants.
- This medicinal herb is quite effective in treating menstrual cramps.
- Peppermint has very effective components to treat nervous problems: these components act to relax and avoid the possible consequences that this condition may cause.
- It is very effective as an antiseptic and analgesic, therefore, it is recommended in the treatment of wounds. How is it used?
By preparing a well-infused plant infusion, we can wash a wound, feeling immediate relief from the pain and helping to heal it more quickly. It is also used in some types of burns. For the treatment of burns it is advisable to mix the infusion with a little olive oil; It is applied to the burn, thus avoiding burning and possible infection.
- This wonderful plant is very effective to end bad breath, since its pleasant smell of mint can accompany us throughout the day. Menthol, one of its main components, is excellent for this purpose. Also, it is very refreshing.
- With the peppermint you can prepare a delicious and relaxing tea to take before bed. That will help us to have a very relaxing and restful rest.

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EStomach cramps and stomach cramps
Peppermint may be useful for its antispasmodic properties, since it works by stimulating the secretion of bile. Due to this property is very useful to treat cases of diarrhea, both in children as in adults and curiously, also cases of constipation. In addition, it can serve your application to relieve stomach or gall bladder.

On the other hand, the peppermint plant has carminative properties, since its consumption favors the elimination of gases accumulated in the digestive tract, so it will be very useful to treat cases of meteorism and flatulence.

Period pains
Another one of the uses of the peppermint that better results gives is to relieve menstrual pains.

Peppermint has antidismenoreic properties, so it is highly recommended if you need to treat menstruations that occur with excessive pain.

Nervousness and anxiety
It also has sedative properties. Indeed, peppermint is a mild sedative. For this reason, it will be useful if you suffer from nervousness, anxiety situations, or difficulties sleeping.

Have an infusion of peppermint an hour before bed and you will rest deeply. You will notice that the next day you will feel more relaxed and more energetic.

Wounds, blows and bruises
Due to the analgesic properties of peppermint, you can use it by external application to reduce the pain of a bruise or injury, it will also improve blood circulation in the affected area, so it will help you to deflate.

As an antiseptic: Using its infusion in gargles or any other internal treatment is extremely helpful, since its high content of polyphenols and essential oil make it a great antiviral and antifungal source.

To relieve the discomfort caused by the rash or other allergies it is advisable to mix a little antiseptic alcohol with some macerated peppermint leaves and with the help of a cotton rub gently on the affected area, this will help to refresh and relieve itching.

For headache and migraines: Add 2 teaspoons of fresh grass to half a liter of boiling water, cover and let stand away from the fire for 50 minutes. Then strain and filter. This tea should be drunk cold, between 2 or 3 cups when the pain appears. You can also mix 10 drops of spearmint essential oil and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Massage the temple with your fingertips.

As an anesthetic: Its anesthetic properties are well known by naturists, who recommend liniment with the leaves and stem of the plant for treatments of rheumatism and even toothaches.


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Chamomile or common chamomile
(A chamaemelum nobile, sin. Anthemis nobilis) is a perennial herb of the Asteraceae family, native to Europe.

Ancient Mexicans used chamomile to treat digestive disorders such as vomiting, gastritis, dysentery, indigestion, colic, bile, and stomach infection. In the states of central and Mexico the cooking of the flowers of Manzanilla is ingested as tea to calm stomach pains.

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The same cooking of chamomile, but cold and externally used serves for eye conditions such as inflammation, irritation, tiredness and conjunctivitis; Chamomilla is also recommended to calm colic of menstruation.

It has been used in other parts of the country for colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis and for nose washes. Chamomile is also said to be a good remedy for eliminating acne, dehydration, rheumatism; Lighten the hair and wash surface wounds. Grass that measures of 20 to 50 cm of height.

The leaves of chamomile are divided into several parts that resemble a fine lace and its flowers are yellow and white. It is an introduced species of Europe and Asia, adapted to warm, warm, semicálidos, semisecos and temperate climates.

Chamomile is grown in orchards; Grows in all fields and is associated with deciduous and subcaducifolia tropical forests, thorny forests, mountainous mesophyll and mixed oak and pine

The best-known medicinal property of chamomile is that which is linked to the relief of any condition of the organs of the digestive system. It is especially good for improving digestion, favoring the expulsion of intestinal gases, relieving stomach pains, avoiding nausea or vomiting and for the treatment of other ailments such as colic, gastritis, gastric ulcers, etc.

This is due to the ability of chamomile to act as a muscle relaxant and its anti-inflammatory power which can help reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine. It is also effective in relieving flatulence or gas accumulating in the gastrointestinal tract and, in turn, preventing vomiting.

On the other hand, taking an infusion of chamomile is very beneficial for those who suffer from nervousness and insomnia. Its sedative properties are gentle but help alleviate some of the symptoms caused by depression or stress. In this way, this medicinal herb will help you to fall asleep more easily and, therefore, is among the best infusions to sleep.

Chamomile also helps to lower high cholesterol levels, as containing vitamin choline favors the elimination of fats from the blood. For this reason, it is recommended that people with cholesterol problems take at least two cups daily of this infusion to regulate it and place it within normal cholesterol levels. They will also need to follow a proper diet and avoid all those foods that are harmful to cholesterol.

Another of the most popular medicinal properties of chamomile is the one that helps relieve the menstrual cramps as well as the spasms that can occur in the days before menstruation. This fact is because the camomile has estrogenic action, the hormones proper to the woman, as well as its calming power.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, chamomile is a very good herb to cure eye conditions or diseases such as conjunctivitis, styes, tired eyes, myopia, etc. It is also ideal for reducing joint pain and using it as a mouthwash to relieve toothaches or cure mouth sores.

Chamomile can also be used to treat skin and hair. Chamomile-based moisturizers and face creams help eliminate skin impurities and treat irritations.
On the other hand, it contains properties that act against itching of the scalp, the scaling and, in addition, leaves a special shine in the hair.

Thus, although you can find chamomile in any natural products store or even in the supermarket, we recommend that you choose to plant it yourself in order to take full advantage of its medicinal properties. In this way, you will only have to follow the steps that we explained in our article on how to grow chamomile and then dry its flowers to be able to infuse it.


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The ruta (Ruta) is a genus of strongly-scented evergreen sub-shrubs 2-6 meters high, from the Rutaceae family, native to the Mediterranean region, Macronesia and southwest Asia. Different authors accept between 8-40 species in the genus. The P. Most known is the common ruda graveolens Ruta. Although it is used "always" as a medicinal plant, it has a very strong toxicity, according to the uses and doses.

Leaves bipinnate or tripinnadas, with a leathery appearance, of green to strongly blue-green glaucous. Yellow flowers, with 4-5 petals, about 1 cm in diameter, and on tops. Fruit 4-5 lobed, capsule with numerous seeds.

It was widely used in European cuisine in ancient times, as well as in many recipes of Ancient Rome (according to Apicius), but because of its extreme bitterness, it is no longer palatable to contemporary taste. However, it is still used in certain parts of the world, particularly in North Africa.

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Properties of rue

The properties of the rue are many, but they stand out mainly those related to digestive problems, colic and anxiety-

- Digestive properties

Because of this, ruda facilitates the digestive processes as it stimulates biliary function. That is why it is highly recommended to drink raw leaf infusions to treat cases of constipation or digestive disorders. It is recommended to drink these infusions after meals.

- Antispasmodic Medicinal Properties

It is for this reason that rue is very useful to treat cases of stomach cramps, in the same way serves to treat diarrhea. For these cases it is best to consume rude infusions.

-Properties of emenagogo

Because of this the rue serves to diminish the discomforts caused by the menstruation. The consumption of rue reduces headaches and irritability, typical of the menstrual period and premenstrual syndrome. It is also used in cases of amenorrhea.

-Sedative properties

Because it exerts a soothing and relaxing effect, the rue is used to decrease the sensation of pain in blows or wounds. In addition, infusions of this plant reduce anxiety and nervousness.

-Properties to regulate the circulatory system

The rue can have very positive effects to tone arteries and normalize the blood flow.

Popular remedies

Remedy with rue to normalize menstruation Boil 1 teaspoon of rue in 1 cup of water that is boiling. Cover and let cool. Take 1 vece a day for two days. This remedy is also considered abortifacient.

Remedy with rude for the states of stress
Take 10 drops of the infusion (before described) on a piece of sugar.

Remedy with rue against worms 
Boil 10 grams of rue in 1/4 liter of eating oil. Take 2 times a day 1 teaspoon. Also they are made enemas of the cooking of the leaves in the dose of 10 grams per liter of water.

Remedy with ruda for dizziness and fainting 
Rub a handful of rue leaves crushed with wine vinegar on the temples and nostrils.

Remedy with ruda for boils, sores or ulcers of the skin Boil in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes 30 grams of ruda. Remove from heat and let cool. Wet a clean cotton cloth or gauze with this infusion and apply to the affected area.

Remedy with ruda for lice:
Boil a handful of rue leaves in a liter of water for 10 minutes. Let cool, strain and apply on the scalp as if it were a normal rinse. Perform this remedy one week; Lice are considered to have disappeared.

Remedy with rue for phlebitis
Pour 2 tablespoons rue into a cup of boiling water. Leave on stand for 5 minutes and drink a cup 3 times a day

Remedy for rheumatism The popular rue oil, a very suitable remedy for rheumatism, is usually prepared with 60 grams of fresh rue, freshly caught, as it begins to bloom. It is crushed in a mortar and thrown into a bottle; Add a quarter liter of olive oil, cover well and leave the bottle to sun and serene for 40 days, inverted, so you do not lose the essence if the cap is wrongly adjusted. After this time, the oil is drained by a stalks, trying to leave in the bottle the residue of water that is usually left in the bottom and other possible grounds. With this oil frictions are made using a warm wool cloth, which is then left on top of the painful part and covered with another cloth, against rheumatic pain.


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Avoid in case of pregnancy, since rue exerts a strong action on the uterine fibers and congests the genital organs.

Avoid high doses of rue as it is very toxic because it contains alkaloids. Always take great care.

Avoid handling when the plant is fresh, as it can cause contact dermatitis. Therefore, it is recommended to wear gloves to pick up the plant.

How to consume rue

The most used way to eat rue is to prepare it in a tea or infusion.

The rude tea is very simple to prepare.
Boil a liter of water with a handful of dry rue leaves.
Once it boils, leave the water with the leaves about two or three more minutes in the fire.
Remove from heat and let it sit at least 5 minutes before gluing.
Serve the tea alone or with sweetener, either hot, cold or warm.
If you take this tea to take advantage of its digestive properties, ideally you drink it right after the meal.


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The arnica plant possesses a great amount of medicinal properties. Know why it is important to always have a little arnica on hand in your herbal medicine cabinet.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

The arnica plant is highly recommended for treating bruises. The application of compresses with extracts of this plant helps not to appear bruises in the beaten area, because it favors the blood circulation.

The infusion of the arnica flowers helps to reduce the inflammations in the area of ​​the eyes, as well as helps to disappear the bruises, since it favors the circulation of the affected area.

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The anti-inflammatory properties of arnica can be harnessed using the ointment that is obtained from this plant, applying it on the area to be treated.
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Analgesic Properties

The arnica plant helps to reduce the pain caused by the blow. Arnica cream is usually used to treat the following problems:

It is used for the following conditions, specifically associated with physical exercise:
Blows or bruises. Its content in acids (gallic, caffeic and chlorogenic) added to luteolin and its alcohols gives confusing and anti-inflammatory properties, being able to be a complement to the application of cold in the congested zone, as it is accustomed in the sport.
Blisters. It can also be used as treatments for blisters not open, a frequent situation in physical exercise by the friction that occurs in the skin before a mechanical action.
Muscle strains or strains. Arnica cream applied on the affected area, reduces the pain and congestion that occurs with the fibrillar tears.
Sprains. The ankles and knees are the most vulnerable joints to suffer all kinds of twists by the role they perform in the vertical posture when performing movements and physical exercises varied. The friction and massage with Arnica cream in the affected area is one of the treatments that Can be done with arnica.

For muscle problems frictions are performed with ointment or also with arnica leaf infusions. Therefore, it is a good alternative to have in the health and fitness enthusiast's kit.

For respiratory problems

The leaves and flowers of the arnica plant have been popularly addressed to treat respiratory problems:
Accumulations of secretions in the lungs
Excess cough.

Due to the toxicity of arnica, internal applications are not recommended without the approval of a physician.

It has also been used internally to treat respiratory conditions, but given the toxicity of this plant, it is only recommended for external use.

Natural Remedies with Arnica

Learn how to make your own home remedies with arnica, to take advantage of all the properties of arnica and to improve your health:
Remedy for circulation: if you have circulatory problems and want an effective remedy, make a cream of arnica and forget the varicose veins, spiders and also cellulite.
Remedy for muscle pains: know how to fuse the medicinal properties of arnica and marigold to relieve the pain of contractures and relieve the tension of your muscles.
Remedy for joint pains: it uses the desinflamatoricas properties of the Arnica to relieve any annoying articulations that you suffer or to treat cases of tendinitis.