Tila, Valerian and Gentian tea

2-4 servings

Ingredients :

2 gr of tila
2 gr of valerian
2 gr of gentian
2 gr of angelica root
2 gr of eyebright
1 liter of water


Mix the herbs, boil the water, remove from the heat and add a teaspoon of the mixture for each cup.
Let stand for 5 minutes, strain and drink.


Reduces inflammation, facilitates digestion, relieves heartburn, restores intestinal flora, is relaxing and astringent. Drink a cup after the meal, for three days. Do not use in case of gastroduodenal ulcer, anticoagulant or hemostatic treatments, in pregnancy, lactation and children.
It can cause fatigue, abdominal cramping, tightness in the chest, light dizziness and trembling hands.

Resultado de imagen para tila

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