Walnut tea, pansy and horsetail

4 portions

5 gr of walnut
5 gr of thought
5 gr of horsetail
5 gr of chamomile
1 liter of water

Preparation :

Mix the herbs. Heat the water and add two teaspoons of the mixture for each cup. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Stretch and drink one cup on an empty stomach and another before bed.


Strengthens the walls of the veins, improves blood flow, combats varicose veins, relieves cramps, is scarring, reduces inflammation and activates circulation. Take one or two small cups a day for 10 days. Not indicated in case of peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, pregnancy and lactation.
It can cause drowsiness, decreased blood pressure, respiration and heart rate.

Wormwood tea, fennel and chamomile

6 servings

30 gr of wormwood
30 gr of fennel
25 gr of chamomile
25 gr of coriander
30 grams of water clover
1 1/2 liters of water

Preparation :
Mix the plants .Heat the water and add three tablespoons of the mixture.
Cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Sneaks and drinks.

Recommendations :

It is stimulant and can be used in case of lack of appetite, such as anemia and anorexia problems. It favors the secretion of gastric and bile juices, eliminates gas and intestinal parasites, also fights heavy digestion. It also serves to treat leg pain, blood pressure, weight loss and body pain. Take three cups a day, half an hour before each meal. for a week. Do not let it boil ever. Do not use for more than four weeks; excess can cause, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, vertigo, seizures and even brain damage. Do not take during pregnancy and lactation, or in children, gastritis, ulcer, irritable bowel, ulcerative colitis, and neurological diseases.

Tila, Valerian and Gentian tea

2-4 servings

Ingredients :

2 gr of tila
2 gr of valerian
2 gr of gentian
2 gr of angelica root
2 gr of eyebright
1 liter of water


Mix the herbs, boil the water, remove from the heat and add a teaspoon of the mixture for each cup.
Let stand for 5 minutes, strain and drink.


Reduces inflammation, facilitates digestion, relieves heartburn, restores intestinal flora, is relaxing and astringent. Drink a cup after the meal, for three days. Do not use in case of gastroduodenal ulcer, anticoagulant or hemostatic treatments, in pregnancy, lactation and children.
It can cause fatigue, abdominal cramping, tightness in the chest, light dizziness and trembling hands.

Resultado de imagen para tila


Resultado de imagen para LINAZA

Only the perfectly balanced essential acids are found in flaxseed. Reports published by the Karolinske Institute in Switzerland show that flaxseed contains 800 mg / kg.

Lignans (anticancer agents highly studied) 100 times more properties than the best whole grains. lignans help in the prevention of breast and colon cancers are within the reach of all people simply by adding ground flax seed to their diet.

One tablespoon of flaxseed also contains more than 800 mg. of ALNA, the primary fatty acid Omega 3, this is 10 times more ALN than most fish oils without the consequences like flavor, high cholesterol and high levels of saturated fats that fish oils contain more properties.

All essential fatty acids for human health Omega 3 are evident in flaxseed, these essential acids can not be manufactured by the human body should be included in the daily diet.

The soluble and insoluble fiber contained in flaxseed is recognized for its effect on cholesterol lowering, probably because it prevents it and bile acids from being reabsorbed by the organism when they are adhered to the fiber and carried out with the other wastes.

Other properties of flax
Finally the fiber is known for its ability to soften the large intestine, prevent constipation and maintain regularity when defecating (Erasmus V. Falts and Olis, Vancouver; Alive Books, 1986).

Mucílago (Soluble Fiber) is a gummy substance that is found under the cover of the Seed (Cascara) that has the properties of blocking excess acidity and acts as a natural laxative to soften and protect the delicate intestinal flora and to improve the regularity without side effects, the soluble fiber of flaxseed prevents the reabsorption of digestive acids, reduces the absorption of cholesterol contained in food and increases the amount of cholesterol that is excreted by the organism; Flaxseed Mucilage helps in the stabilization and modulation of blood glucose.

The most important beneficial properties are:
1.- Contributes to decrease cholesterol in the blood

2.- Assist in the control of high blood pressure

3.- Reduce the threat of blood clots

4.- Acts as a laxative

5.- It helps to control the level of sugar in the blood

6.- It contributes to improve the conditions of the skin

7.- It is a protector against the formation of tumors

8.- It contributes to the development and growth of the fetus

9.- It offers great nutritional benefits

10.-It can benefit sufferers of lupus

In the last 10 years a lot of scientific studies have been devoted to the research of flax seed and its surprising oils, known as alpha linolenic acids or omega 3.

In a recent conference held at the Flax Institute in the United States, some scientists focused their attention on flaxseed and its role in curing and preventing numerous degenerative diseases.
Research and clinical experience, show the following benefits due to regular consumption of flaxseed:

1) Cancer.

For over 35 years, lipid researcher and researcher Johanna Budwig has used flaxseed oil successfully in her therapies. She has more than 10,000 documented cases of successful treatments for cancer patients using flaxseed oil as the main treatment.

At his clinic in New York, the late Dr. Max Gerson, used flax as the main agent to fight cancer. More recent studies show that LNAs (essential fatty acids) eliminate human cancer cells without damaging healthy cells. Cancer cell lines from cancers of the breast, prostate and lung were studied. As previously mentioned, research suggests that lignans could combat the chemical agents responsible for initiating tumors and blocking estrogen receptors, which could reduce the risk of colon cancer. According to Dr. James Duke of the US Department of Agriculture, flaxseed contains 27 components identified as cancer preventive.

2. Cardiac Diseases.

One of the unique characteristics of the oil in flaxseed is that it contains a substance that resembles prostaglandins, which could well mean a potent therapeutic value. Prostaglandins regulate blood pressure and artery functions, also play an important role in calcium metabolism and energy metabolism. There is no other vegetable oil until now that equals the properties of linseed oil.

Similarly the ability to regulate the blood of LNAs prevents formation of blood clots within the veins and arteries due to excess fatty acids derived from polyunsaturated oils (beneficial fats). This involves prevention of heart attacks if it is used early and lifestyle is changed to one with moderate exercise along with a healthy diet.

3. Diabetes.

It is suspected that diabetes that originates in adulthood is due in part to deficiency of LNAs (beneficial fats) and excessive consumption of saturated fats.

Although this syndrome can take 30 years to emerge, as a disease, it can achieve reduction of symptoms with positive changes in diet and own supplementation of LNA of flaxseed oil. Deficiencies in consumption of vitamins and minerals can worsen the condition of the disease. LNAs may decrease insulin requirements for diabetics.

4. Inflammatory conditions.

Fatty acids reduce inflammation conditions of all kinds. Inflammatory conditions are those that end in "itis" which include: bursitis, tendonitis, tonsillitis,
gastritis, ileitis, colitis, meningitis, arthritis, plebitis, prostatitis, nepritis, splenitis, hepatitis, pancreaitis, otitis, etc. Like lupus, many of these conditions are relieved by the use of LNAs.

5. Skin conditions.

The animals that are exhibited in the "pedigree" show are fed with linseed oil, so that they maintain healthy skin and shiny hair. Similarly, recent studies have shown that human skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema improve markedly when patients are given flaxseed oil in their diets. These skin conditions are due to lack of essential fatty acids in their diets. If you use linseed oil regularly in your diet, you will notice that your foot and hair becomes softer and healthier. Oil is beneficial for treating dry skin, dandruff and sun-sensitive skin.

6. Sexual disorders.

Dr. Budwig found that flaxseed oil is a natural aphrodisiac. The most common cause of sexual impotence in men and lack of orgasmic response in women is blockage of blood flow in the pelvic area. Restriction of blood flow prevents complete expansion or erection of the penis and orgasm does not occur. The solution is to unblock the thinner arteries in general, and consumption of flaxseed oil may help. Flaxseed oil is rapidly gaining reputation as one of the best aphrodisiacs of the decade.

7. Calm under stress.

Many people find that increased calm is the most profound effect of using flaxseed oil. This brings a sense of calm very often in a matter of a few hours. This may be due in part to the fact that during stress, fatty acids delay the overproduction of biochemical agents such as arachidonic acid commonly found in chronically stressed people.

8. Retention of liquids.

Flaxseed fatty acids prevent the kidneys from excreting sodium and water. Fluid retention (edema) occurs in cases of inflamed lower extremities, some forms of obesity, PMS, and all levels of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

9. Vitality and athletic ability.

One of the most notable signs of improved health due to the use of flaxseed is increased vitality and energy. Flaxseed increases the metabolism and efficiency of cellular energy production. It simulates cellular and respiratory oxidation by which energy is produced and we experience it as heat. For athletes looking to reduce fat and have a slim body, these are great news !.

10. Other conditions.

Fatty acids are needed for visual functions (retina), adrenal function (stress) and sperm formation. Often the symptoms of multiple arteriosclerosis improve, in fact when the consumption of fatty acids is high this is rare. Flaxseed oil may be useful in fibrous formations, (fatty acids release viscous secretions and improve difficulty in breathing), some cases of sterility and abortions, some behavioral problems (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression), allergies, addictions (drugs and alcohol) and other wrong behaviors


Resultado de imagen para jojoba

Jojoba is a large, round, long-lived dioecious shrub (it lives up to 200 years). Native to Arizona and California, this plant was also known by the Aztecs who used it as food, and for the treatment of diseases and skin wounds. It grows in many semi-arid regions of the world, where there is a sufficiently high temperature; Europe, Asia, Australia, Japan, North and South America. It lives in rocky or sandy soil, does not need fertilizers and, if it were not enough, it requires little water. It adapts to the extreme conditions thanks to a very developed and deep roots, and to the waxy layer of its leaves (part used in the elaboration of jojoba oil).

Generally the most used part is the seeds, in particular, the cotyledons, that are harvested when they are ripe, at the end of the summer. The main content of the cotyledons is what produces the so-called liquid jojoba oil. In addition they also contain proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and a cyanogenic glucoside, simmondsine. The oil is very fluid, stable, non-flammable and resistant to oxidation. It can polymerize in the light and should be stored in dark glass bottles or cans (such as olive oil).
Medicinal Jojoba Plant
Main Uses of Jojoba Oil and Wax
Jojoba oil is used in the therapeutic field for the preparation of dermo-pharmaceutical emulsions, with protective, nutritive, soothing and softening properties. In particular, the sulfur oil is used to treat oily skin and acne.
Its main production sector is cosmetic and dermatological. Jojoba oil protects and lubricates the skin and hair and is often used to prevent aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. The particular nature of the lipid components of jojoba oil allows a greater penetration and epidermal absorption, which gives a protective action against the sun.
Jojoba oil
The yellowish coloration of jojoba oil is determined by the presence of flavonoids and other compounds known as tocopherols and tocotrienols, which together constitute vitamin E. These components are the basis of the particular chemical properties of jojoba wax, which consist of a greater fluidity, stability, flammability and resistance to oxidation (thanks to the presence of tocopherols). In addition, the antioxidant and protective properties make wax an appropriate ingredient for the production of sun protection products. Jojoba wax, which is also attributed to an antibacterial activity, is also used in products for the scalp and hair.
Jojoba oil and liquid wax, besides being used in cosmetics, have a variety of industrial uses: to make paints, detergents, resins and plastics, and can be a substitute for whale fat used as lubricant for motor precision.


Resultado de imagen para kalanchoe

The Kalanchoe pinnata, Bryophyllum pinnatum, is also known by other names like leaf of the air, plant of Goethe, Ojaransín, flower of arete, viviviva, hojerilla, tronador or weed of witch. There are also other varieties of this plant such as the Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri and the kalanchoe daigremontiana.

This medicinal plant belongs to the family Crassulaceae native to Madagascar and India, forming part of traditional medicine or Ayurveda, also grows in other places with warm and temperate climates. In areas of central and southern America is also used for its healing qualities.

It is a plant that can reach a meter high and has fleshy leaves. The flowers grow in inflorescences and may have different colors such as reddish, yellow or green.

For medicinal purposes Kalanchoe leaves are used, which can be prepared to apply externally or internally. For internal use it can be prepared in infusion, you can add the leaves to dishes like salads or you can also drink its juice. For external use the leaves can be used making plasters or poultices and also can be massaged the area with the juice extracted from the leaves. For example, for the headache the slightly crushed leaves would be placed on the forehead and neck, or for cramps and abdominal pains would be placed on this area to relieve them.
Medicinal properties of the Kalanchoe pinnata, Bryophyllum pinnatum

This medicinal plant contains phenols, acetates and flavonoids, among some of its components, which provide anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anti-hemorrhagic, anticancer, antitussive, diuretic, antihistamine, antiseptic, antidiabetic, antibacterial, anti-allergic, antiulcerous, emollient, digestive and antiviral action.

Benefits and medicinal uses of the Kalanchoe pinnata

kalanchoeProtects the liver

Reduces fever

Relieves airway diseases

It is used to treat cancer cells

Kalanchoe is used for cough

For hemorrhages

Improves digestion

It is very useful for stomach ulcers

It is indicated for diabetics

Mitigate Kidney Colic

Relieves pain in general

Improves infections

Helps reduce hypertension

It is beneficial in cases of bronchitis

Combats herpes and other viruses

Used to heal wounds

Kalanchoe improves urethritis

Avoid liquid retention

Relieves rheumatism

It is sedative and muscle relaxant

Cut the diarrhea

It is used to relieve the embarrassment

Improves skin conditions

Accelerates recovery from colds and flu

Eliminate abscesses

Relieves headache or headache

Kalanchoe is used for measles

Reduces stomach pain

It stimulates the functioning of the kidneys

Your consumption is not recommended during pregnancy


Resultado de imagen para WEREKE

Names: wereke, wareke, guareque, warequi, choyalhuani. Scientific name. Maximowisda sonorae It is a root or "sweet potato" that for several centuries has been used as medicine by the Mexican ethnic groups. At present, it is given a very successful use as a hypoglycemic for the treatment of diabetes, and is extremely effective. It is found in the hills, hills and valleys. It is a climbing branch that is entangled in the trees. Its root is perennial the size of a jicama, although sometimes grows up to weigh about 10 kilos (and even more). Florea in May; its flower is tiny yellow. It has potent antiseptic, healing, antidiabetic, antirheumatic properties. .

This root has been used a lot because it has hypoglycemic properties. Their assets are not entirely known, at least not those that act as hypoglycemic agents. Therefore, this plant is still studied, not only for its properties empirically tested by people, but also to extract and separate their compounds and in their case to prepare them in a synthetic way. To prepare them in a synthetic way is so that the help they provide can reach more people without having to depend on the plant, because being native of a place may not be easy to get their benefits to people from other continents or places , also protects the plant from overexploitation.

It is said that the wasque hypoglycemic properties do not work at all in patients with type 1 diabetes, since it requires a minimum amount of insulin to work.
The wasque bulb is used in capsules to control diabetes as a light analgesic, such as antirheumatic, lower glucose levels by working similarly to sulfonylureas, decrease gastritis, decrease pain and problems caused by increased glucose.

For the use of this root, the common way is to let the root dry, then pulverize and take it, dissolved in water or alcohol. From this preparation are taken a few drops diluted in water, as the taste is very bitter. You can eat the fresh tuber in small pieces, but few people tolerate that way because of the strong taste.

The most common way is to take it already processed, purified and pulverized in capsules, tablets or syrup, either in the pure state or combined with various herbs, the most common are: Ampalaya, cinnamon, dandelion, fenugreek, nopal and thresher.
Due to the alkaloids and other substances contained in the wasque, its use is restricted, both for pregnant women (for being abortive and harmful to the mother) and for people with stomach sensitivity, since excess is purgative and causes diarrhea, In addition people with hypoglycemia may have problems with their use. Although its toxicity is minimal it is not recommended for use in young children or without medical supervision.

For the suggested dosage: Root powder, 500mg before each food. Adults: 2 capsules 3 times a day. Children (> 10 years): 1 capsule 3 times a day. External use: Powder of the capsule on the wound, previous cleaning with water and soap of the same.

Finally, researchers at the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) study the hypoglycaemic properties that reduce blood glucose levels, wereke and chilacayote, in order to identify substances that produce therapeutic effects in people with diabetes mellitus and develops phytomedicines.
Because some plants have the active principle and others do not, in the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory crops are made so that all plant species are grown under the same environmental components, in order that they always have the active principle of interest.


Resultado de imagen para CIRIAN

Tree up to 14m high, has light brown bark and longitudinal grooves. The leaves are gathered in number of 3 that leave of the same point. The flowers are greenish yellow and purple brown, sometimes with purple pink stripes, grow on the solitary stem or in groups of two or three. The fruits are almost spherical, are born stuck to the stem, measure about 15cm in diameter, with pulsa blackish and sweet.

Of unknown origin. It inhabits areas of warm climates, semi-warm, semi-dry and temperate, from l00 and 1554msnm. Wild plant, present in savannah, mangrove, tropical forests; deciduous and sub-deciduous forest, xerophytic scrub, thorny forest, mesophilic mountain forest, oak, pine and mixed oak-pine forests.
The fruit of this species, is used to relieve different respiratory conditions, mainly cough (Estado de México, Michoacán, Morelos, Oaxaca, Puebla and Sonora). With the pulp of the fruit a syrup is prepared, adding water, sugar and alcohol. With its seeds, toasted and ground, plus cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), a drink is made like chocolate, that is ingested when there are annoyances; or an infusion prepared with flower and fruit is taken; or a red wine in which the fruit has been left to rest.

In order to treat asthma, the pulp is cooked along with the coriander (Gnaphalium spp.), Eucalyptus, sauco (Sambucus mexicana), obelisk, bugambilia (Bougainvillea spectabilis), tejocote (Crataegus mexicana), myrtle (Psidium sartorianum) of capulin (Prunus serotina subsp. capulli), is taken before meals; during treatment do not drink soda, ice water, coffee, or eat pork. In the same way it serves to relieve bronchitis, tuberculosis and various ailments such as pain and tear of blood of the chest and lung, rhinopharyngitis, phlegm, phlegm and respiratory conditions in general. When there is chest pain, it is rubbed with alcohol where the seeds have been left to stand.

Also, the use of the fruit is important to treat traumatic injuries. It is applied party and mixed with honey of bee on the apostemas and blows. Its pulp is put in the way of poultice to deflate external blows; or take the cooking with piloncillo before the food and before going to sleep. Also with the fruit, a wine is prepared with sugar and alcohol that is ingested to relieve internal blows.

It is used in gynecological disorders: in order to avoid abortion or in the wrongs and hemorrhages, a firming of the marrow of the fruit with tlacopatli root (Aristolochia argentea) and zopilopatli seed is sweetened, sweetened with honey. To provoke menstruation, it is advisable to take a preparation of the fruit with good grass (Mentha piperita) and honey, to which is added mezcal or alcohol; in addition, a bust of the womb, waist and feet should be given to the patient and then wrapped in a sheet to let her sleep for several hours. With the purpose of promoting a good delivery, the cooking of the fruit peel is dosed as water for use and the parturient is covered with a blanket so that sude.

For the treatment of skin problems, hair loss, edema, and used as an anti-cystic, the warm juice of the fruit is drunk. In bruises and burns, a poultice is applied with the crushed fruit. It also addresses some gastrointestinal problems: diarrhea, dysentery, indigestion and ulcer; in kidney disease, varicose veins, earache, insomnia and fright.


Resultado de imagen para BUGAMBILIA

The bugambilia is a plant type creeper whose flower is colorful, full of color and beautiful appearance. It is native to South America, specifically Brazil, and other regions such as Peru and Argentina, however, it is currently distributed in several areas, belongs to the genus Bougainvillea.

Bugambilia: Flower against Cough, Constipation and Fever Other names known to this plant are, summer, paper and Santa Rita, their flowers are small and are surrounded by bracts or leaves that may have varied colors such as magenta, white, red, yellow, orange, pink and purple.

In Mexico, the bugambilia is consumed as an extract or infusion for medicinal purposes, but is also appreciated in the kitchen.

The bougainvillea flower is often very colorful, especially its red and magenta varieties, so in saucers it is possible to use them as decorative flower in various preparations, from salads, cuts of meat and drinks.
However, it must be taken into account that the bracts of the bougainvillea should receive a special treatment, since their cooking usually alter their color and dull it.

Medicinal Properties of Bugambilia

The interesting properties of the bugambilia make it a good ally against colds and other respiratory conditions.

Antitussive: Bugambilia may be helpful in relieving chronic coughing and coughing.

Expectorant: This plant can be used to help expel phlegm present in cases of colds and flu.

Antipyretic: The bugambilia plant can serve to reduce mild fevers and help combat the accompanying general pain.

Laxative: It is said that the root of this plant can help detoxify the body thanks to its natural laxative properties, favoring digestion.

Uses of Bugambilia for health

While one of the most common and popular uses of bougainvillea is how allied against strong cough, there are other health problems that have traditionally been treated with this vine and that take advantage of its properties.

Respiratory Diseases: It is possible to use the flower of this plant and its leaves of color to relieve symptoms of cold and flu like cough and mucus.

Constipation: Having a laxative effect the root of bougainvillea can be used to promote better digestion and treat constipation.

Against Diarrhea: While it seems contradictory that the same plant is used for constipation and diarrhea, in fact it is the leaves that are given antidiarrheal properties but well, it is recommended to use only in mild cases.

To clean wounds: Use the water of bougainvillea to disinfect scrapes and superficial wounds is possible, we just have to soak some flowers and colored leaves of the bougainvillea in filtered water and after a couple of minutes, we can clean the wound with that water.

For Fever: Drinking the infusion of this plant may be helpful in relieving fever in cases of colds.

Cough remedy

The bugambilia is used to treat respiratory problems and affections, it is a traditional cough remedy and possibly this is its best known use.

The infusion of bougainvillea is prepared with the flowers and the colorful leaves or bracts of the plants and it is advised to drink three cups a day for 3 days, we suspend for a week and we return again three days in case the cough persists.

Bugambilia infusion

To prepare our infusion it is necessary to have the colored leaves that surround the flower and the flowers of the bougainvillea, it only takes a handful and a little honey.


Two bougainvillea flowers and their bracts
1 tablespoon natural honey
1 cup of water

We boil a cup of water, once it boils, remove from the fire and add the flowers.
Let stand for 6 minutes and add the honey.
Colamos and we drink the infusion
Note: It is possible to add other plants to this infusion to combat respiratory diseases, some of them recommended are the gordolobo and eucalyptus. If the cough does not go away, it is important to consult a specialist.

Consumption and recommendations

In animal studies, there are no reports of toxicity of this plant, for example, the bugambilias extract given to mice did not show evidence of signs of toxicity.

Fresh flowers have also been evaluated in a group of sheep without having observed toxicity, making it a safe plant.

Because there is not enough evidence in human consumption, it is recommended to consume with discretion and for short periods of time, take a break of one week for every 3 days of consumption.

It is not advisable to consume the bougainvillea during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as there is no evidence to prove its safety at these stages, it should also be avoided in young children. It can be consumed as an infusion or else, its extract, also.

It is not advisable to consume the bougainvillea during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as there is no evidence to prove its safety at these stages, it should also be avoided in young children. It can be consumed as an infusion or else its extract can also be found as an ingredient in natural cough syrups.


Resultado de imagen para CANCER

The characteristics of the different types of cancer can be variable depending on its cause, its location of origin and also the exposure we have to risk factors such as stress, poor diet, among others. Many experts agree that a good quality diet rich in vegetable foods may be the ideal complement to cancer treatments.

That is, in the diet, plants are useful to prevent cancer (any type of plant or food of plant origin) and, on the contrary, should avoid saturated fats and a diet very rich in meats and little "green" . It is advisable to avoid industrialized foods, avoid concentrates in flavorings or chemical preservatives. Food should be as natural as possible, and there is nothing more natural than vegetables (vegetables and salads, fruits, nuts, vegetables, legumes ...).

Some examples of plants to prevent cancer

The advantage of plants to fight cancer is that they often have few or no side effects when consumed in a responsible manner.

Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa): It is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties and also helps to stimulate the immune system, its consumption can be useful to help our body to fight cancer and possibly together with other treatments cat's claw can be an ally, calming some of the secondary symptoms of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Astragalus (Huang Qi): Widely known in China, astragalus is a plant that serves to strengthen the immune system and strengthen the immune system. According to research, the polysaccharides and saponins of this plant are said to be responsible for the beneficial effects on the immune system of this plant, the same properties that can help fight cancer along with conventional treatments such as radiation therapy.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa): This species is attributed antitumor properties, and according to the research, could be useful to prevent certain types of cancer including the stomach and breast. This popular species in India can also be used to combat the side effects of conventional therapies such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua): Traditionally used to combat malaria, today, sweet wormwood draws attention to its application in cancer. Studies suggest that sweet wormwood can be used to help fight certain types of cancer, including breast, and lung.

Chaparral (Larrea tridentata): Or also known as Governor, it is a plant originating from Mexico and the United States. It has potent antioxidant substances and may be helpful in helping to reduce tumors, however, it should be kept in mind that in large doses it is toxic to the liver.

Sanguinaria (Sanguinaria canadensis): This is a plant that grows in Canada and some areas of the United States, traditionally used to remove warts and skin lesions like skin cancer. It is a corrosive action and is toxic when it is ingested. In order to treat the lesions, it is applied on the lesion and allowed to act. There are no studies to corroborate its action against skin cancer and experts mention that although it can eliminate tumors, Frequencies are not permanent so we must be careful before resorting to this plant.

Lapacho (Pau D'Arco): The bark of this tree promises to be a great ally against cancer. The lapacho contains beta-lapachone a substance to which some cancer cells are sensitive. It has been used with promising results in breast, lung, ovary and colon cancer. It could be a good complement to other conventional treatments such as radiotherapy.


Resultado de imagen para INFUSION

We often use the words infusions and tea as synonyms, but although similar, are not the same, although a cup of tea is technically an infusion, we must keep in mind that an infusion is not always a tea.

Differences between tea and infusions Tea and infusions can be delicious versatile drinks, as they can be consumed hot or cold, but we can not always clearly define what a tea is and what an infusion, however, its properties may vary.

To know where the differences between infusions and tea lie, it is necessary to know the characteristics of each one.

Infusions are, beverages that are prepared from plants and / or fruits, they can be leaves, root, fruits, tree bark and even seeds. An infusion is prepared with warm water, but never reaching the boiling point.

Tea for its part, is technically a drink derived from a plant known as camellia sinencis, which is a source of caffeine or else, tein, and is usually prepared with boiling water.

Camellia sinencis is the ingredient in which teas are made, and there are several, such as white, black, green, Oolong tea, matcha, among others. Thus, tea can be considered an infusion, but not all infusions are teas, because to be so, they should contain the tea plant.

Next we will see the properties of infusions and tea and also how to prepare them.
Properties of tea
Tea has been considered a medicinal beverage since ancient times, this thanks to the benefits and properties that poses.
Most of the benefits of tea are attributed to the substances with antioxidant activity that they have, giving the tea popularity to help fight aging and, according to studies, regular consumption of tea can contribute to prevent the development of certain diseases such as cancer, and cardiovascular problems.

By containing tein, a stimulant of the nervous system, tea can be a product that is not suitable for everyone, because people who are sensitive to this substance can manifest symptoms such as sleeping difficulties, anxiety, among others.
Certainly tea is a healthy drink that we may wish to include in our diet, although it is worth analyzing each of its versions because its properties may vary depending on the processing of the tea plant, its origin and collection, ie according to its varieties.
Properties of infusions
To talk about the properties of infusions is to talk about a very extensive topic, because there is a great diversity of infusions in the world, and the options seem not to end, but, it is possible that we highlight some of the most common.
The properties and benefits of infusions vary greatly depending on the plants or fruits from which they are made.
Chamomile One of the most common infusions around the world, Chamomile has a mild sedative effect that can help calm anxiety and promote deep sleep. It is also ideal for stomach upsets and is even recommended to help fight colitis nervous.

Cinnamon: This popular species can be used to combat nausea and other digestive discomforts such as diarrhea, in addition, recent research suggests that cinnamon may be good ally against diabetes.

Mint infusion: It is traditionally used to relieve indigestion but should be avoided when there is heartburn, peppermint infusion is also popular as a remedy against cold and stress.

Ginger Root: A popular infusion is ideal for relieving heavy digestions and fighting cold symptoms, in addition, it is a popular remedy against dizziness.

Blueberry infusion: We can also take advantage of fruits to make rich infusions, an example are blueberries, helping to fight cholesterol and improve blood circulation.

Infusion of Tilo: This infusion is prepared from the fruit and flowers of the linden tree, it is popularly used to combat insomnia and calm nervousness.

Anise: This is an infusion that is beneficial for digestion, and is also used to help regulate the menstrual cycle.

Rosemary: Although rosemary is used in the kitchen extensively to season meats, soups and various preparations, it can also be consumed as an infusion, improving blood circulation and can be an ally in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

How to prepare an infusion?

Preparing infusions and tea is usually simple but, the amount of plants or fruits that we are going to use is variable, so it is always advisable to check the recommended dose, which is usually a tablespoon.

Depending on the amount of infusion that we are going to prepare we must calculate the dose of the ingredient. Another recommendation is to use filtered natural water or non-sparkling mineral water, tap water can also be used provided it is of good quality.

Prepare an infusion

Put the desired amount of water to boil, once it boils, remove from the heat and serve in the cup, teapot or container in which we want to prepare the infusion.
Add the ingredient, it can be with the aid of an infuser or a filter, if you add the ingredient on its own it may be necessary to strain the infusion afterwards.

Cover the container and let stand between 6 to 10 minutes.
Remove the infuser or pour the infusion and consume.

Some people like to sweeten the infusion but it is not recommended because experts mention that these additives can diminish the benefits of an infusion, if you want to sweeten the infusion it is advisable to use a natural sweetener like honey or a natural sweetener like stevia