Resultado de imagen para CANCER

The characteristics of the different types of cancer can be variable depending on its cause, its location of origin and also the exposure we have to risk factors such as stress, poor diet, among others. Many experts agree that a good quality diet rich in vegetable foods may be the ideal complement to cancer treatments.

That is, in the diet, plants are useful to prevent cancer (any type of plant or food of plant origin) and, on the contrary, should avoid saturated fats and a diet very rich in meats and little "green" . It is advisable to avoid industrialized foods, avoid concentrates in flavorings or chemical preservatives. Food should be as natural as possible, and there is nothing more natural than vegetables (vegetables and salads, fruits, nuts, vegetables, legumes ...).

Some examples of plants to prevent cancer

The advantage of plants to fight cancer is that they often have few or no side effects when consumed in a responsible manner.

Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa): It is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties and also helps to stimulate the immune system, its consumption can be useful to help our body to fight cancer and possibly together with other treatments cat's claw can be an ally, calming some of the secondary symptoms of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Astragalus (Huang Qi): Widely known in China, astragalus is a plant that serves to strengthen the immune system and strengthen the immune system. According to research, the polysaccharides and saponins of this plant are said to be responsible for the beneficial effects on the immune system of this plant, the same properties that can help fight cancer along with conventional treatments such as radiation therapy.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa): This species is attributed antitumor properties, and according to the research, could be useful to prevent certain types of cancer including the stomach and breast. This popular species in India can also be used to combat the side effects of conventional therapies such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua): Traditionally used to combat malaria, today, sweet wormwood draws attention to its application in cancer. Studies suggest that sweet wormwood can be used to help fight certain types of cancer, including breast, and lung.

Chaparral (Larrea tridentata): Or also known as Governor, it is a plant originating from Mexico and the United States. It has potent antioxidant substances and may be helpful in helping to reduce tumors, however, it should be kept in mind that in large doses it is toxic to the liver.

Sanguinaria (Sanguinaria canadensis): This is a plant that grows in Canada and some areas of the United States, traditionally used to remove warts and skin lesions like skin cancer. It is a corrosive action and is toxic when it is ingested. In order to treat the lesions, it is applied on the lesion and allowed to act. There are no studies to corroborate its action against skin cancer and experts mention that although it can eliminate tumors, Frequencies are not permanent so we must be careful before resorting to this plant.

Lapacho (Pau D'Arco): The bark of this tree promises to be a great ally against cancer. The lapacho contains beta-lapachone a substance to which some cancer cells are sensitive. It has been used with promising results in breast, lung, ovary and colon cancer. It could be a good complement to other conventional treatments such as radiotherapy.

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