Resultado de imagen para achiote

The annatto is a plant that produces a substance of crimson color obtained from the integument of the seeds. Its name is of Aztec origin (achiotl) and the southern Indians called it pumacua or chacuanguarica.

Properties: Against sunburn, against jaundice, inflammation of the tonsils (angina) and excoriations of the mouth, against burns, erysipelas, asthma, pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura, membrane covering the lungs) and dyspnea, against diseases of the rectum and against headaches.

How to use: Against the insolation, a powder is prepared as follows: The annatto seeds are put in hot water for several hours and then rubbed strongly until they release the ink they contain. They are then allowed to rest in a vessel until a red sediment or putty is collected in the bottom of the vessel, which will dry in the sun.

The powder thus formed is mixed with coconut oil and the paste or ointment formed is applied to the temples, forehead and neck.

Against inflammation of the tonsils and excoriations in the mouth, a pinch of the previous powders is taken and combined with a spoonful of vinegar and a cup of rice water. With this liquid swabs are made 3 to 4 times a day.

Against burns and erysipelas, a paste is formed with olive oil and the aforementioned powders and applied over the affected region (s).

Against asthma, pleurisy and dyspnea, a pinch of powder is taken which dissolves in a cup of elder or lettuce water and is taken on an empty stomach.

Against diseases of the rectum, an enema is applied with the leaves. Against the headaches (neuralgias), the leaves are placed on the temples.

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