As soon as you hit the knee or other part of the body or notice a swelling or discoloration, gently rub a little of this homeopathic cream on it.

Arnica decreases inflammation and increases circulation, thus helping the clotted blood that gives that dark color to your skin is eliminated more easily.
Benefit from the cold ice
Ice is one of the best remedies to relieve pain after being hit. You must apply it through a cloth, otherwise you could burn the affected area involuntarily.
Use natural antibiotics like garlic
As we have already told you, this plant is one of the best natural antibiotics. Take a little garlic daily, fasting or at night, accompanied by a glass of hot water. It will help to heal the blow and to clean the blood that has been spilled internally.
Applies arnica ointment
The ointment made from this plant is a perfect natural remedy for strokes. You can prepare it based on arnica flower crushed and boiled or buy it in our pharmacy from this link.
Make the nettle your ally
Despite being a plant that irritates the skin just with its touch, well prepared is perfect to relieve pain. Boil a handful of dry nettle in water for twenty minutes, and apply a cotton cloth soaked in the liquid about 4 or 5 times a day on the affected area.
Sugar and lemon
For the little ones there is a remedy as simple as effective that consists of the following: squeeze two lemons together with a spoonful of sugar and mix it well. Apply gently on the affected area and try to keep it as long as possible.
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