Resultado de imagen para TOMATE

The tomato plant is a plant native to America whose fruit the tomato is consumed and cultivated worldwide. Its scientific name is Solanum lycopersicum and belongs to the Solanaceae family.

The tomato is used in gastronomy as an ingredient of many dishes both raw and cooked. There are different varieties of tomatoes but in general they maintain their external characteristics although they have different sizes and flavors.

Medicinal Properties of Tomatoes

The tomato is a food that besides being rich is healthy since it contains nutrients, minerals and vitamins beneficial for the body being the lycopene one of the most important. This substance acts as an antioxidant and helps to regenerate the body cells, reduces and decreases free radicals that produce aging and various diseases.

In addition lycopene reduces the chances of getting cancer and helps reduce cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, provides potassium to the body, regulates and prevents fluid retention, helps heal wounds, reduce inflammation, cramps, bad smell in the feet. They are used to treat goiter, as a laxative, to purify blood, liver problems, sunburn, prostate problems.

Tomato is a component of various facial masks and for the body as it improves the appearance of the skin and reduces acne. It is also attributed properties like aphrodisiacs because it increases the sexual desire.

To take advantage of the curative benefits of tomatoes there are several options: eat fresh tomatoes regularly, drink juice, make plasters with the tomato and the leaves of the plant are crushed and placed on the wound or affected area.

Performing a foot bath with 2 liters of lukewarm water ½ liter of tomato juice is stirred and waited 20 minutes is very effective to avoid the bad smell in this part of the body. Tomato is a rich food and is very good for the body so it should be part of our diet and consume it on a regular basis even more if we want it to act on some specific pathology.

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