Resultado de imagen para LIMON

Fruit of the lemon tree, oval shaped, spongy and white bark, greenish-yellow skin, juicy, sour pulp and with one or more seeds.

Properties: It cures and prevents smallpox, cures the appendix, cleanses the stomach, liver and dissolves fat, useful against hernias, heaviness of legs, dropsy (accumulation of serous humor anywhere in the body), strengthens the gums and cures the gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), calms headache, neuralgias and nerve punctures, cures typhus (contagious disease, epidemic and febrile, characterized by the formation of red spots called exatemas), prevents and combats premature aging, prevents baldness and keeps hair strong and healthy, purifies blood, is recommended against sexual weakness, prevents bile shedding, contains bleeding, disinfects all kinds of wounds, cures the flu, increases the secretion of sweat and urine , cures rheumatism and gout, favors the elimination of certain intestinal parasites, increases the appetite and the secretion of gastric juice, cures the tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils), fights the d iarrhea and dysentery (painful diarrhea with pus and blood), softens and embellishes the skin, normalizes heart palpitations, stimulates liver function, refreshes and quenches thirst and cures chronic insomnia.

How to use: The lemon should be taken in small sips and with straws to avoid the wear of the enamel of the tender. Against smallpox, take a daily glass of lemon juice two hours before or three hours after the main meal.

Resultado de imagen para LIMON

To cure the appendix, take a half-hour before breakfast, the juice of a lemon; to the second day, two lemons and thus consecutively until taking the juice of seven lemons daily.After a break, start the treatment again and follow it until you get better.

To clean the stomach, liver and dissolve the fat, take plain and fast juice of two lemons in half a cup of hot water.

To cure hernias, rub the affected region with lemon juice combined equally with the onion juice and is supplemented with sunbathing.

For the heaviness of legs and dropsy, take equal parts lemon juice with onion juice, twice a day; the latter is obtained by grating the onion and squeezing it through a clean cloth or metal strainer.To strengthen the gums and cure the gingivitis, give circular massage with the fingertips on the diseased gingiva.

To calm headache, neuralgias and nerve pangs, take a cup of tea, coffee or hot water with juice and two lemons.

To avoid and combat premature old age, take an hour before breakfast, the juice of ten lemons for three months, seven days and seven days.

To avoid baldness and keep hair strong and healthy, give vigorous massages on the scalp with the fingertips and in a circular way, with the juice of 3 to 4 lemons, preferably at night and the next day, wash the hair with soap and water but without using the shower, since this favors the fall of the hair.

To purify blood, drink half a glass of lemon juice, an hour and a half before breakfast for two months, a week if not a week. Do not eat irritant foods, and do arm and leg exercises. Against sexual weakness, take half a glass of lemon juice on an empty stomach, two hours before breakfast, for three days.

To avoid the bile shedding, suck the lemon juice and eat the bread crumbs; In this way, bile is neutralized and nervousness disappears.

To contain the bleeding, apply the lemon juice directly on the bleeding part; by increasing the concentration of calcium salts in the blood, coagulation is favored.

To disinfect the wounds, pustules and sores, apply the lemon juice on the affected region, previously washed with soap and water.

To cure the flu, drink half a glass of lemon juice with half a glass of coffee loaded, as hot as it is tolerated; at night, repeat the same operation and get very well.

To increase the secretion of sweat and urine, take a cup before bedtime of chamomile tea, tila, etc., warm well with the juice of two lemons and avoid cooling.

To cure rheumatism and gout, drink for thirty days, fasting, the juice of seven lemons glandes; when improvement is obtained, rub the sore parts with the mixture of one liter of milk and half a liter of oil; empty a bottle and warm in a bath and once warm, use it, trying to get well and not wet until the next day.

To promote the elimination of certain intestinal parasites, thoroughly crush several lemon seeds with enough sugar and eat them before bed or fasting until the desired end.

To increase the appetite and secretion of gastric juice, sea juice of 2 to 3 lemons in half a glass of water, mean anger before food.

To cure tonsillitis, gargle lemon juice in a teaspoon of baking soda, two to three times a day and avoid taking cold drinks.

To combat diarrhea and dysentery, take as water in use, large quantities of lemonade sweetened with honey or sugar to taste.

To soften, beautify and disintegrate the skin, rub with lemon juice, every night, face, arms and legs.

To normalize heart palpitations, take the juice two to three lemons dissolved in a glass of cold water, whenever necessary.

To refresh and quench thirst drink a glass of lemonade repaired with the juice of two lemons and a quarter of a liter and water sweetened to taste.

To cure chronic insomnia, take the juice of 10 lemons for three consecutive days; the fourth night will sleep peacefully.

Resultado de imagen para LIMON

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