Resultado de imagen para la higuera

Ficus carica is the scientific name of the fig tree, also known as cabrahigo. It is a small native tree of southwestern Asia, but has already spread to other latitudes of the planet. It has a very particular history, its use is quite old, it has even been proven to be one of the first plants that was cultivated by man.

This small tree can reach between 3 and 10 meters in height, its branches are wide and twisted, its cup equally wide, which gives an excellent shade and its bark is smooth and grayish. The leaves are deciduous and lobed, measuring between 12 and 25 centimeters in length and are bright green, in addition they are rough by the beam.

Its flowers are small and are given inside a receptacle that has a pear shape, then are the ones that become the fruit, which is composed and is called fig. The fig tree is not very demanding as far as the land for its growth, in fact it resists diverse climatic conditions and occurs in cliffs and walls, the roots are so strong that they can damage the floors and the walls.

It should be noted that this tree produces a latex in its branches and fruits. There are several types of figs, for example, the figs of Smyrna are pollinated by insects, the intermediate fig tree does not require pollination for the brevae, although if it is necessary for the main fig culture, the common fig tree is the last and does not need pollination.

Medicinal properties of the fig tree

This tree has various medicinal properties, even the oldest civilizations used to treat various health problems and keep the body in the best conditions. These applications have been conserved until the present, between these powers they emphasize:

● It is extraordinary to remove warts, even has the ability to firm the skin.
● It works as a purgative and laxative, this prevents constipation and favors the prevention of hemorrhoids.
● It is excellent for treating cough, tonsillitis, sore throat, asthma and bronchial infections.
● May reduce fever.
● Regulates blood sugar level, this is ideal for people with diabetes.
● Reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
● It is excellent for regaining strength after intense physical activity.
● It benefits the digestive system, it is very effective to treat indigestion, reflux, stomach pain and gastritis.
● Prevents heart disease because it relaxes the muscles, so it lowers the risk of suffering hypertension and arrhythmias.
● It helps to lose weight due to the high fiber content, which causes a feeling of satiety that controls the appetite. In addition, it has very low carbohydrate content.
● Fruits are a great food, contain vitamin C, magnesium, folic acid, fiber and mainly calcium, so much so that it is recommended during pregnancy and lactation, also to combat osteoporosis and other diseases of the bones.

Home Remedies with the Fig Tree

The home remedies that can be prepared with the fig tree are very simple, for example, fresh leaves are crushed and applied directly in the area in order to mature abscesses and boils.

To remove warts and calluses, you only have to cover them with the latex, that is, the liquid that comes from cutting a stem or branch.

To improve the skin apply a mask of black fig and add a few drops of lemon. To take advantage of or receive the other benefits of this plant, simply simply consume the fruit, even this is used to prepare jams, preserves and beverages.

Contraindications Higuera

It is important that when you try to use the latex that the fig produces through the fruits, leaves and stem should be very careful, as it can cause irritation upon contact with the skin, this is manifested with spots, blisters and itching. Likewise, it is not recommended to consume the fruits that have not matured, since they can affect the digestive system, causing diarrhea and vomiting.

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