Gently rub the wart with your finger for 15 seconds at the same time each day.

Wart rubbing stimulates blood flow to the area and prompts the immune system to fight the virus that causes the wart.

 By doing this at the same time each day you train your immune system (conditioning) to keep going on by itself.

Resultado de imagen para verrugas

Aloe vera
Aloe vera has stood out for centuries for its properties to treat and alleviate different disorders related to the skin. In the case of warts is very effective and you simply have to extract the aloe vera gel and apply it to the affected area several times a day.

Onion juice
Like garlic, onion is a great treatment to combat warts and the virus that produces them. In this case an onion should be cut into pieces, left overnight in a container with salt and the next day its juice is extracted. It is applied directly in the affected area every night and the treatment is done for 12 days. After this time you will notice the results.

Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is a product that is used for different therapeutic purposes, including wart treatment. In this case it is recommended to apply tea tree oil directly on the affected area, several times a day. It should be used in small quantities since it is a very powerful product.

Stalk of dandelion
dandelion nothingtosay
This home remedy is ideal for those warts that may appear on the neck or near the face. The milky extract of the dandelion stem is used, which must be applied directly on the warts every day.

Castor oil
Castor oil and its properties can help us eliminate warts on the skin in less than 4 weeks. In this case, you should mix a little baking powder with castor oil to form a sticky paste. This paste is applied directly on the affected area and covered with a tape or bandit.

Vitamin C
Thanks to its acidic pH, vitamin C can be very effective in combating annoying warts. Ideally, prepare a paste with a crushed vitamin C tablet and a little water. Apply this paste directly on the affected area, let it act for 20 minutes and repeat this procedure daily.

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