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The green tea is the most drink infusion in the East for centuries because they know the health benefits it offers. Its scientific name is Camellia sinensis and belongs to the Teaceae family.

The tea is a unique plant from which you can then obtain the black tea, green tea and red tea, which arise from the treatment that is given after harvesting as drying. The green tea originates from the young leaves of the tea to which they are not allowed to oxidize, thus maintaining the same medicinal properties of fresh leaves.

Some of the medicinal qualities it possesses are astringent, natural stimulant, diuretic, bactericidal, hypotensive, but it also prevents many diseases. Green tea has a good amount of antioxidants that prevent disease and help achieve longevity.

The green tea is useful for treating conditions such as diarrhea, migraines, helps to eliminate fluids and toxins, lowers cholesterol, tones the heart, overweight, conjunctivitis, styes and sight tired. It also improves the production of sperm so it can help in certain cases of male infertility, it is useful for halitosis, gingivitis and caries, liver and hepatitis problems, mental fatigue, diabetes, regulate blood pressure, improve blood circulation. Green tea's properties are recognized to prevent cancer, heart problems such as myocardial infarction, premature aging, prevent ulcers, strengthen the immune system.

You can drink the infusion of green tea that can be bought in strings or sachets, at least 2 cups a day should be drunk if consumed as a natural remedy. You can also do mouth rinses with tea and compresses to place them in the affected area.

The green tea is a very rich tea because it is very soft so it is easy to drink, so it is really worth including in our diet, to keep us young and healthy. Green tea has similar properties to coffee so it can generate the same contraindications if you drink too much like nervousness, insomnia, nausea or vomiting. Do not exaggerate its use with 2 cups a day you get benefits without risk. If you have any questions, you should consult the doctor.

Home Remedies with Green Tea

Preparing an infusion of this plant with 1 or 2 teaspoons of green tea for each cup of boiling water. Let it boil for about 10 minutes and then drink hot. This remedy serves for weight loss, headache and many other pathologies.
The infusion of green tea can also be used externally by applying it when it is cold on the skin or area of ​​the injured body. For acne, oily skin between other conditions is effective this mode of use.
An effective green tea slimming tea is made with 1 liter of water. This liquid is put to a boil, then 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 1 of anise is added, after 5 minutes of this boiling the fire is extinguished and incorporated 2 spoonfuls of green tea. Let stand 5 minutes and then filter this tea. You can drink 2 or 3 cups a day.
 When there is sore throat you can gargle with green tea and then you can take this infusion.
Another home remedy with green tea to lose weight is prepared with 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of green tea, juice of 1 lemon, a little ginger root and a few mint leaves. It is put to heat the water and when it is hot but not to boil the green tea is added, waits 3 minutes and the fire goes out. Strain the hot liquid and add some grated ginger and mint leaves as well as lemon juice and you are ready to drink. This tea can be taken up to 2 times a day.

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