You can relieve the pain and pressure of an ear infection with a mixture (you can buy ready-made) of mullein oil (Verbascum densiflorum) and garlic oil (Allium sativum).
These oils relieve pain and kill bacteria. Before going to bed, heat the drops.
One way to do this is to place the bottle in your armpit for 45 seconds. Tip the head and pour 5 drops into the infected ear and then place a cotton ball in your ear for a few minutes to prevent the droplets from coming out. You should notice immediate relief.
Remedy for earache # 1. Squeeze a lemon to get your juice and soak a cotton ball in it. This should be placed gently at the ear entrance (do not insert it in) for 10 minutes. It must be applied before sleeping. This remedy is ideal when the earache is produced by excess wax in the ear canal.
Remedy for earache # 2 Apply a compress of hot water on the affected ear for about five minutes. After that time, renew the compress for another hot one until the pain has disappeared.
Remedy for earache # 3 Macerate 10 or 12 chamomile heads in a glass jar with 4 tablespoons of olive oil for 48 hours. Then apply this preparation with a cotton ball. This remedy is ideal for cases of earache by wax.
Remedy for earache # 4 Heat two teaspoons of olive or almond oil and let it cool to body temperature. Apply 2 or 3 warm drops in the ear canal. Protect with a small cotton.
Remedy for earache # 5 Chew a chewing gum repeatedly to relieve ear pain caused by changes in altitude pressure. In the case of young children, they should be allowed to use a pacifier during the descent to avoid ear pain. Also, this remedy can be applied if you feel an earache at midnight in the house, as the chewing muscle action helps open the Eustachian tubes relieving pain
Remedy for earache # 6 Wash three leaves of plantain with cold water and mash. Strain the resulting pulp through a previously boiled cloth. Place 2 drops of this preparation in the ear canal when you feel pain.
Remedy for earache # 7 Apply three drops of breast milk to the ear.
Remedy for earache # 8 Peel a clove of garlic, cut it into slices and put it with a little olive oil, to which some lavender flowers will be added. Let stand two hours, strain and separate a large spoonful, which will be heated gently placing it on a container with hot water. Pour a few drops on the sore ear and cover with a cotton ball. If there is a suspicion that the eardrum is broken, do not apply under any circumstances and immediately call the doctor.
Remedy for earache # 9 Boil a handful of oregano leaves in half a cup of water for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. Squeeze the leaves to extract the maximum extract and put in a dropper. Apply 3 drops to the painful ear as long as the eardrum is not punctured.
Remedy for earache # 10 Put to bake an onion and cut into slightly thick slices. Place one of these slices, while still quite warm, on the outside of the affected ear and cover with a warm cloth. Keep the other slices in the oven on low heat until you need them. When the first slice has cooled, switch to a tibia. Do this until the earache disappears completely.
Remedy for earache # 11: Grind a couple of fresh basil leaves and then, with the extracted juice, soak a cotton ball and put in the ear entrance (without introducing it)
Remedy for earache # 12: Wrap roasted potatoes in a cloth, as a compress, and apply, to a greater effect, as hot as possible
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Remedy for earache # 13: Apply a damp, warm cloth with salt to the ear over the ear
Remedy for earache # 14: Apply previously heated spicy horseradish wraps wrapped in a thin cloth over the ear and leave on until it cools
Remedy for earache # 15: Pour 3 or 4 drops of aloe vera juice or aloe in the ear canal as long as the eardrum is not perforated
Remedy for earache # 16: Crush a handful of fresh and washed Swiss chard leaves and extract their juice. Pour a couple of drops into the ear canal using a dropper. Do not use this remedy in case of perforated eardrum.
You may be interested in knowing: Remedies for infection in the earlobe
Remedy for earache # 17 Mix 4 drops of olive oil and 4 drops of oil and heat a little. Place 4 drops in each ear, put the head aside for a few minutes and then change sides. Do not apply if the eardrum is perforated
Remedy for earache # 18 Perform an infusion with 2 tablespoons of willow peel in a cup of water that is boiling. Soak a cloth with this preparation and place warm over the affected ear.
Remedy for earache # 19 Pour 1 tablespoon of marshmallow and another bay leaf in a cup of water that is boiling. Soak a cloth and apply warm, as a compress, over the affected ear
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