You can comfortably eat spicy foods again if you rinse sores with raspberry leaf infusion (Rubus idaeus).

Resultado de imagen para ulceras

Put 2 tablespoons of dried raspberry leaves in a cup of boiling water until the water cools. Filter the infusion, and then fill the mouth of the liquid for one minute several times in a row.

Resultado de imagen para ulceras

Do this three times a day. The tannins in this infusion (of a flavor similar to that of black tea) reduce the swelling and clean the sore, so that it can heal faster.

1. Honeysuckle compress for wounds

Honeysuckle has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can accelerate the healing process of a wound. A honeysuckle compress can be made by putting a handful of honeysuckle leaves in 2 cups of water and boiling. Put the heat down and let it simmer for 15 minutes. When it is cooled, the wound is washed with the infusion and a bread loaf is infused with the infusion and placed on the wound.

2. Aloe Vera (aloe vera) to prevent infection of a wound

A stalk of aloe is cut and cut in the middle so that the gel is exposed. The gel is washed very well to remove the yellow liquid. Put the part of the stalk that has the gel on the wound and cover it with a bandage. It is allowed to act throughout the night.

3. For all wounds and sores

This remedy was used very frequently during the civil war in the United States. The wounded soldiers put refined sugar directly on the wound. This natural remedy also works for ulcers or sores.

4. Home remedy for infected wounds

If an infection develops, slices of fresh papaya are applied over the wound and wrapped with a bandage. This helps fight the infection and hasten healing of the wound, while getting an appointment with the doctor.

5. For a wound to stop bleeding

Most of the time bleeding can be controlled by putting direct pressure on the wound with a clean cloth or piece of gauze until it stops bleeding (about 10 minutes). If possible, the affected part should be raised above the level of the heart. This allows gravity to help decrease the blood flow to the injury.

6. Coffee

My husband's mother used ground coffee to stop bleeding from a wound. Simply pour some coffee over the wound and leave it for several minutes. Then rinse carefully. 10 home remedies with coffee

7. Spider web

I read this remedy in a book and it caught my attention. I'm not sure I'd try it unless I'm in a very critical situation. But when I shared it on Facebook, several people commented that they already knew him. The remedy is to apply spider web on a wound so that it stops bleeding.

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