Resultado de imagen para rosa canina

Rosa Canina L.

BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION - Tangled shrub, deciduous, measuring from 1 to 3 m in height. The stems have curved stalks in the shape of a hook. The leaves are composed, with 5 to 7 leaflets in an ovoid shape, without hairs and of sawed margin and intense green color. The flowers are born solitary, with uneven sepals and 5 petals of white or pink. The fruit called rosehips is fleshy and has many ossicles inside.

COLLECTION - The fruit at the end of the summer.

DRUGS - Fruits.

ACTIVE PRINCIPLES - Ascorbic acid, pectin, tannins, organic acids, carotenoids, traces of essential oil, flavonoids and anthocyanins.

PROPERTIES - The rose hips are vitamin, mainly contains vitamin C. It is also astringent, antidiarrheal, diuretic, capillary and venotonic.

USES and APPLICATIONS - The fruit is used in the prevention of colds and flu, convalescence and spring asthenia, diarrhea and hair fragility.

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