Resultado de imagen para congestion nasal

Nothing works faster to decongest the sinuses than horseradish. The oils in this plant stimulate circulation in the sinuses, allowing the mucus to escape.

Resultado de imagen para congestion nasal

Mix a teaspoon of fresh grated horseradish with a little apple cider vinegar or honey, and eat it on toast (vinegar and honey soften the strong taste of horseradish).

Inhale deeply while you grate the horseradish; the pearls you give off will begin to clear your nose.

Resultado de imagen para congestion nasal

Peel a clove of garlic and chew it. Take it with care. Repeat before sleeping every day.
Pour a tablespoon of sea salt in two cups of warm distilled water. Apply in the nostrils with a dropper, you can breathe much better.
Consume a very hot soup dish, to moisturize the mucous membranes and steam to help reduce inflammation
Vegetable soup

Apply compresses of hot water with a cloth over the nose and sinuses. Repeat three times a day and keep five minutes in each application
Squeeze the juice from a tomato and mix with a clove of raw and chopped garlic. Add half a teaspoon of hot sauce and drink when the first symptoms of discomfort appear
Pour a teaspoon of mallow leaves in a cup of boiling water, add a few drops of propolis. Cover, strain and let cool for a few moments. Drink a hot or warm cup.
Place a handful of flax seeds in the embers and breathe in that smoke for a few minutes.

Place a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil in a container with very hot water (better boiling). Approach the face as close as possible and let the vapors enter your nose. Cover the head with a towel and keep for a few minutes.
Wash and chop a horseradish. Place in the blender with a little water, mix well and drink once a day for a week or the time it takes for the congestion to go away.
Place a little water in a saucepan until it boils. Pour a handful of lavender leaves and flowers and a handful of mint leaves. Boil a little more, put out the fire and cover. Place the pot on the table, cover your head with a towel and vacuum the vapors.

Pour a spoonful of grated ginger root into a cup of boiling water. Drink two to three cups per day.

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