St. Robert Herb and its properties

Resultado de imagen para HIERBA DE SAN roberto

(Geranium robertianum)

Astringent for external uses in wounds, sores, regeneration of damaged tissues, in ophthalmic applications and herpes. Excellent vulnerability in mouth inflammations and throat irritations; hemostasis in nasal and pulmonary hemorrhages; severe diarrhea; diuretic, urinary and renal calculi.

It is used as hemostatic (pulmonary and nasal haemorrhages) and to treat severe diarrhea. It finds applications in the treatment of urinary and renal calculi, its ability to promote dissolution, and also as a diuretic.

In topical applications, it is useful in the treatment of skin diseases, dermitis, effusive eczema, ulcers, regeneration of damaged skin, ophthalmic washes and other various inflammations; for this it is used compresses or ointments. In oral gargles, angina and throat irritations, a decoction of leafy stems is very useful.

Maceration for skin conditions, ulcers, inflammations ...

For external applications, such as skin conditions, eczema, ulcers, inflammations, etc.,
prepare a cold maceration in the proportion of a well-spoonful of foliated stems in a cup of water, letting macerate for 8 hours. It should be consumed on the same day. It is applied as ointments or compresses on the affected part.

Pimples for herpes, ophthalmias and wound cleaning

To clean wounds and sores, as well as herpes and ophthalmia patches, apply fresh, crushed grass on a gauze pad. It has regenerating properties of damaged skin.

Resultado de imagen para HIERBA DE SAN roberto

Decoction for mouth and throat gargle

For application as gargle in oral inflammations, such as ulcers or angina, as well as throat irritations, a warm-up can be made with 30 grams of fresh St. Robert's grass in one liter of water. Filter before use.

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