Resultado de imagen para constipacion
If you do not like prunes, you have another option to relieve constipation.

  Dried figs work in the same way as plums. They contain soluble and insoluble fiber, which will cleanse your intestines.

In fact, five figs provide at least 20 percent of the daily fiber needs, more than almost any other fruit.

Eat four or five as soon as constipation appears and drink at least one glass of water. If you do not get results in three three hours, eat a couple more every three hours until it works.

1. Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera or aloe is one of those medicinal plants with multiple health benefits both internally and externally. Drinking your juice every day helps to clean the colon naturally and facilitate the elimination of waste.

2. Apple
The apple is one of the best foods to deal with constipation. This fruit contains pectin, a substance that promotes intestinal functioning.

In addition, it provides a significant amount of fiber, necessary to soften the stool and encourage its expulsion, according to data from an investigation of the Faculty of Medicine of the Ohio State University (United States).

3. Banana
This delicious food is ideal to support good digestion and improve bowel movement. It provides a good amount of fiber, which acts as a powerful natural laxative to facilitate the expulsion of feces.

A piece of banana contributes an average of 12% of the recommended amount of daily fiber and, in addition, contains fructo oligosaccharides, substances that, upon reaching the large intestine, contribute to a good digestion.

4. Green tea

Green tea has become popular in recent years as a powerful antioxidant beverage with many health benefits. One of these main benefits is its ability to promote good digestion and stimulate the expulsion of waste that accumulates in the colon.

This tea has a mild laxative effect that helps fight constipation.

5. Oatmeal
Those people suffering from constipation should include more oatmeal in their diet.

This food contains carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber, which contribute to better digestion and prevent constipation. The ideal is to consume it at breakfast, but it can also be added to smoothies, soups and salads.

6. Flaxseed
Flax seeds are characterized by their high medicinal power, which is largely attributed to their high content of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. This food has slight laxative properties that can help improve bowel movement to evacuate waste and clean the colon.

Simply put to soak a tablespoon of flax seeds in a glass of water, let stand all night and drink the next morning fasting.

7. Olive oil and lemon

By combining olive oil and lemon in a single remedy you can make a natural laxative to improve bowel movement and combat constipation.

Just dilute the juice of a lemon in a cup of hot water and add a tablespoon of olive oil. Drink every morning before eating any food.

We recommend you read: Take care of your heart and liver thanks to the warm water with lemon

8. Apple cider vinegar and honey

Another good combination to make a natural laxative is to dilute 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. Mix all the ingredients and drink three times a day.

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