Grass of Santiago (Senecio jacobaea) And its properties

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Excellent emmenagogue, uterine sedative, wound healing vulnerability, hemostatic.

He is considered an excellent emmenagogue. In addition, it is also a good sedative, hemostatic and vulnerable for wound healing. The herb of Santiago is used mainly in infusion and fluid extract.

Infusion and emenagoga fluid extract, uterine and hemostatic sedative

· Infusion:

For the applications described, an infusion can be made with a handful of crumbled plant in a cup of boiling water. Leave to stand for about 15 minutes and filter. Take about three cups a day.

· Fluid extract:

Fluid extract is the most effective way of administering this plant for the ailments described. To prepare it, it is allowed to macerate for ten days about 25 grams of crumbled plant in a liter of alcohol of 70Âş.
      Filter and take 2 or 3 teaspoons a day.

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