Resultado de imagen para eucalipto

Resultado de imagen para eucalipto

Resultado de imagen para eucalipto

The eucalyptus or eucalyptus (Eucalyptus) L'Hér. (From the Latin eucalyptus and from the Greek ευκάλυπτος (efkályptos) meaning "well covered" referring to the seed in its capsule) is a genus of trees (and some shrubs) of the family Myrtaceae. There are about 700 species, most of them from Australia. At present they are distributed by great part of the world and due to their fast growth they are frequently used in forest plantations for the paper industry, timber or for the obtaining of chemical products, besides its ornamental value.

Main healthy properties of eucalyptus

The use of eucalyptus as a medicinal plant is relatively recent, dating to the eighteenth century. Mainly, it is recommended for those diseases that affect the airways such as, among others, the flu, asthma or colds.

For the medicinal uses of this tree, the leaves of the species globulus are used, because they have three important properties: they are anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and expectorant.

In the case of the first, by reducing inflammation, it facilitates breathing.

With respect to its antimicrobial capacity, with its use it is possible to eliminate those microorganisms - mainly microbes and bacteria - that are the cause of infectious processes in the airways such as bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis and constipated.

Finally, its expectorant properties come from the leaves of the eucalyptus. They are very fragrant and rich in an essential oil whose main component is eucalyptol. This component is a potent mucolytic agent that fluidises the pulmonary secretions and favors the expulsion of the same. In turn, it is antitussive and an inhibitor of bronchial irritation, so it is recommended its application in diseases such as acute and chronic bronchitis.

Another of the lesser known properties of eucalyptus is to be hypoglycemic, that is, it reduces blood sugar levels, so that, sometimes and under medical supervision, it is used as an adjuvant in the antidiabetic treatment.

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What are all its benefits

Hair: relieves dryness. In eucalyptus-based shampoos and rinsing creams, it relieves dryness and itching of the scalp.

Emotional stimulant: Thanks to the powerful balsamic aroma of its leaves, it gives comforting and relaxing sensations. It also stimulates the senses and clears the mind. Therefore, it is one of the chosen by the aromatherapy.

Combat cough: Eucalyptus tea (3 teaspoons of leaves in 1/4 liter of water) reduces the formation of mucus in the bronchi and makes secretions more fluid. In addition, it helps to combat cough and febrile states, because of its balsamic and stimulating properties.

It is stimulant: It is a bronchodilator (dilates and relaxes the bronchi to allow the proper flow of air)

Healing power: In external use, it is healing of wounds and diseases of the skin like eczema.

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Expectorant: Oil diluted in internal use or in vapors, has an expectorant property (eliminates excess mucus from the respiratory tract), and relieves throat and larynx conditions; Besides being an antiseptic of the airways. In this mode, you can also combine with linden and camomile.

For diabetics: Your infusion sheets help reduce blood sugar. It is recommended to use it without excess, not more than one cup of infusion per day.

Anti-parasitic: Both the decoction of the leaves and the essential oil, expel intestinal parasites.

Disinfectant property: The essential oil, is used in the treatment of lice infections.

Urinary tract antiseptic: Helps combat or prevent infections, inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause them. One to two drops of essential oil should be taken twice a day as a urinary tract antiseptic.

To purify the air: It is widely used to purify the air and as an insect repellent.

Muscular and skeletal disorders: As a relaxant and analgesic. For muscle affections frictions are made with four drops of essential oil in 100cc of sweet almond oil. It should be rubbed twice a day in the affected areas.

Its properties also include skin-related conditions, being effective in wounds and cuts, as well as in canker sores, acne, gingivitis or herpes.

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In addition, due to the expectorant properties, eucalyptus facilitates the elimination of secretions accumulated in the lungs, being highly recommended to be used to treat cases of bronchitis and pharyngitis.
In external application, due to its antiseptic and astringent properties, the eucalyptus tree is used to treat wounds and general skin conditions resulting from cuts or bruises. This tree is also used to treat skin wounds from acne.
Due to the antirheumatic properties of eucalyptus, it is highly recommended to treat arthritis and rheumatism, as it acts by reducing pain, by disinflamming the affected areas.
Because of the eucalyptus' aperitif properties, it is very suitable for treating cases of inappetence, or to open the appetite before meals.

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