WORMWOOD (Artemisia absinthium L.), stem-leaves-flowers

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Traditional uses: stomach and liver discomfort; intestinal parasites; Irregular menstrual cycle; Cold with cough.

  The infusion is prepared with;
1 tablespoon vegetable for 1 liter of freshly boiled water: drink 1 cup 3 times in the day.

Effects: antispasmodic (1), carminative (2), emenagogue (3), vermifuge (4).

Resultado de imagen para AJENJO

Precautions: Pregnancy and lactation are not recommended, nor should infants or people with epilepsy be used. Do not consume for long periods. Avoid its use in chronic digestive inflammations. Other background: its use has some scientific evidence.

1 Soothe intestinal cramps.
2 It prevents and favors the expulsion of gases in the stomach and intestines.
3 Stimulates or promotes menstrual flow.
4 Eliminates intestinal worms.

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