ALCACHOFA (Cynara scolymus L), tallos-hojas 

Resultado de imagen para ALCACHOFA

ARTICHOKE (Cynara scolymus L), stems-leaves

Traditional uses: liver and biliary diseases; Fluid retention due to liver malfunction; high cholesterol; drop.

The infusion is prepared with 1 tablespoon of the vegetable for 1 liter of freshly boiled water: drink 1 cup 3 times in the day.

Resultado de imagen para ALCACHOFA

Effects: cholagogue (1), choleretic (2), depurative (3), diuretic (4), hepatic protector (5), hypolipidemic (6).
Other background: its use is endorsed only by tradition.

1 It stimulates the secretion of bile by the gallbladder. 
2 It stimulates the production of bile by the liver.
3 Cleanses other body fluids from impurities.
4 It promotes and increases the production of urine.
5 It favors liver function.
6 Lower blood cholesterol level

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