Papaver Rhoeas L.

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Annual plant that reaches 90 cm in height. It has fine root and spindle and simple stem, erect and hairy. The leaves are alternating and sharp. The flowers develop in the armpits of the leaves and are solitary, hanging when they are young and erect afterwards. They usually have a black spot on the base. It blooms from May to July.

COLLECTION - The petals of the flowers open during the period of flowering.

DRUG - The petals of flowers.

ACTIVE PRINCIPLES - Anthocyanosides, alkaloids, mucilages and flavonoids.

PROPERTIES - Light sedative, hypnotic, antitussive, emollient and antispasmodic.

USES and APPLICATIONS - Oral use in the treatment of spasmodic cough, whooping cough,
Asthma, bronchitis, manifestations of excessive nervousness in children and adults, as well as
As in sleep disorders and anxiety. In external use for conjunctivitis.

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