plants that help control and lower blood pressure.

The following seven herbs, many of them popular and already in use in kitchens around the world, can help reduce blood pressure and the need for medications.

Garlic: A study at the New Orleans Clinical Research Center found that allicin, a substance in garlic, helped nine research subjects with severe incidences of hypertension experience its reduction. Remember that in order to make the most of allicin we must crush or cut the garlic and wait a few minutes, preferably consume raw, more info on this in: how to take advantage of the medicinal power of garlic.
Onions: A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that the antioxidant flavonol, quercetin, caused the subjects to experience a reduction in their diastolic and systolic pressures compared to subjects who only took a placebo.
blood pressure plants

Cinnamon: This herb has many health properties, including lowering blood pressure and fighting diabetes. Research subjects who ingested a water soluble form of cinnamon had an increase in antioxidants that reduce blood sugar levels.
Oregano: A study with animal subjects found that a compound found in oregano, carvacrol, reduced blood pressure, diastolic and systolic pressure and heart rate.
Cardamom: After taking this herb for only three months, 20 people who were recently diagnosed with severe hypertension saw their blood pressure levels significantly reduced.

Olives: It has been shown that olive oil, a staple in the Mediterranean diet, reduces blood pressure, which makes people living in that area some of the healthiest in the world.
Hawthorn: When 79 people with type 2 diabetes took 1200mg of hawthorn extract for sixteen weeks, their mean diastolic pressure was reduced.

natural remedies to control diabetes

1. Nopal
According to Dr. Alberto Frati, of the Mexican College of Internal Medicine, cactus would reduce blood sugar levels, and help keep them stable: "The cactus contains a lot of fiber and other substances that control and normalize the metabolism of sugar, for what should not be missing in the diet of someone with diabetes ",

2. Cinnamon
According to nutritionist Richard Anderson, half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day would be enough to control the level of blood sugar and reduce blood pressure in diabetic patients. "Thanks to this, cinnamon would help prevent various complications of diabetes," says Dr. Anderson.

3. Omega 3
Omega 3 fatty acids would increase sensitivity to insulid in diabetic patients, so they would help control blood glucose levels, explains Dr. Andrew Odegaard, of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. "The best thing is to consume them through food, thus ensuring a better diet," he says.
4. Garlic
In an experiment with mice it was found that garlic would reduce blood sugar levels in cases of type 1 and 2 diabetes. "This is mainly because garlic normalizes glucose metabolism, since some of the substances that contains have effects similar to those of insulin, "explains Dr. Sakurai.

5. Blueberries
This fruit would help to avoid eye problems related to diabetes. "The antioxidants contained in blueberry protect the capillaries and nerves of the eyes from the damage that high levels of blood sugar or hypertension can cause," explains a study published in the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
They're safe?
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), many people tend to believe that natural products are not dangerous, however, some supplements and plants can have side effects or interfere with the proper functioning of other medications. It is important to talk with your doctor before saying take a natural medicine supplement.

6. Green tea
According to Dr. Hiroshi Tsuneki, from Toyama University, in Japan, green tea would raise insulin sensitivity and help avoid cardiovascular problems common in patients with diabetes. "The ideal thing to obtain its benefits would be to take between 4 and 8 cups of tea a day," Dr. Tsuneki points out.

15 natural remedies to control diabetes - 7. Fenugreek (Greek hay)
7. Fenugreek (Greek hay)
According to Dr. Laura Shane-McWhorter, from the University of Utah, fenugreek seeds are very useful in the control of diabetes: "consuming between 100 and 150 grams of these seeds every day would reduce by almost 30% the levels of glucose, in addition to helping control cholesterol, a feature associated with diabetes, "he says.

8. Onion
In a study at the University of Geriza in Sudan, it was found that consuming at least 100 grams of raw purple onion each day would help reduce glucose levels in patients with diabetes 1 and 2 almost as well as some drugs; This is partly due to the fact that this food is rich in flavonoids and sulfur.

9. Magnesium
Magnesium would raise insulin sensitivity and control blood pressure in diabetic patients, explains Dr. Harold de Valk, of the Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands. "Diabetes is related to a magnesium deficiency, so patients should consume foods rich in this mineral, such as green leafy vegetables," he says.
How is a diet rich in magnesium?

10. Ginseng
The ginseng extract would raise insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients: "Insulin is usually less effective in diabetes, but ginseng helps fight that condition, causing patients to take better advantage of the insulin they have," says Dr. John L. Sievenpiper of the University of Toronto.

11. Chrome
Dr. Gregory Singer, Yale School of Medicine, says that taking a chromium supplement would help control blood sugar levels and raise insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes, without significant side effects .

12. Bitter melon
"Bitter melon has an effect similar to that of exercise: it helps diabetics to take advantage of glucose and keep it at stable levels.Although there are many drugs that do that, bitter melon would have no side effects or risks"

Natural remedies to fight anemia

Popular remedies
Remedy # 1: In Latin America a traditional natural apothecary remedy is to consume lentil or pea soup daily and you add much better onion.

Remedy # 2: Garlic soups also help fight anemia. To make it crush a little six garlic and fry in 1/2 glass of oil. When they have browned a bit, add two slices of the hard bread and, finally, the 1/2 tablespoon of paprika, and out of the fire so that it does not burn. Then add the water and let boil a half hour over low heat.

Remedy # 3: The pumpkin or auyama is good, especially for anemic children, so it is recommended that they eat them in compotes or creams.

Remedy # 4: Prepare a juice containing carrots, radishes, spinach, turnips and watercress which liquefy recommend taking this juice once or twice a day.

Remedy # 5: Consume fruits such as strawberries, peaches, prunes, bananas, cherries, avocados, dried figs, apples, etc.

Remedy # 6: Make a juice that contains a spoonful of lemon, egg yolk and a spoonful of cane molasses. For this, a little lemon and molasses should be added to the yolk. It should be taken only once a day three times a week.

Remedy # 7: Mix 5 tablespoons of fennel seeds in a liter of white wine and let stand for a week. After that time, strain the preparation and consume 1 dram daily.

Remedy # 8: Cut into pieces 2 stalks of celery and add to a large cup of hot milk. Take this preparation once a day.

Remedy # 9: Wash, peel, cut into pieces and extract the seeds of a pear and an apricot or peach. Place both in a blender together with a glass of milk. Blend for a few moments. Take a glass of this juice daily, especially in the morning, for 10 days.

Remedy # 10: Pour a handful of finely sliced ​​apples and 10 g of lemon balm leaves in half a liter of boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes and add the juice of half a lemon, some pieces of cinnamon and a spoonful of honey. Drink a glass daily for 60 days.

Natural ways to relieve menstrual pain

1. Regular exercises
A good exercise routine will help you to release endorphins, which are chemical compounds that reduce pain naturally. The practice of low impact exercise, such as running smoothly or walking, can be a great support to reduce menstrual pain.

Another good option is to practice different yoga positions, which put pressure on the belly and provide relief. This type of exercise also helps relieve fatigue, stress and anxiety. However, they should be avoided in case of a hernia, high blood pressure or having had any surgery.

2. Use a thermal or water bag
Hot water bag to combat menstrual pain.
The application of heat with a thermal bag on the abdomen reduces muscle spasms and provides relief. You can also use a bag that contains hot water or put warm cloths.

Learn how to make seed sachets to soothe pains

3. Rest
If the menstrual pains are very strong, it is recommended to rest and try to sleep. Rest will help relax the body and significantly decrease menstrual pain.

4. Chamomile tea
The infusion of chamomile is one of the most popular and effective remedies for the treatment of menstrual pain. All you have to do is put two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of boiling water and infuse for 5 minutes.

To enhance its effects, it is recommended to drink 2 cups of this tea a day, from two days before the menstrual period.

Read also: 6 medicinal properties of chamomile

5. Ginger
Ginger tea is another good remedy to relieve menstrual pain naturally. Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic that helps reduce inflammation in the belly and menstrual pain.

To prepare, simply boil a few pieces of ginger root in a liter of water for 15 minutes, strain and drink this tea twice a day.

6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon air fresheners are very useful to make our house smell good.
This spice of delicious aroma and flavor is also one of the best allies to combat menstrual pain. This is because it has a powerful analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory action that helps relax the muscles to reduce menstrual pain. To take advantage of it, you can sprinkle it on desserts and other recipes, or prepare an infusion.

7. Basil
Basil contains caffeic acid, which provides relief for menstrual cramps. It can be included as a spice in meals or prepare an infusion by following these steps: add two tablespoons of basil in a liter of boiling water, cover and let cool. Drink half a cup of this infusion every half hour.

8. Essential oils for menstrual pain
A good remedy to relieve menstrual pain is to apply gentle circular massage in a clockwise direction. To make this massage you must prepare a mixture of essential oils of marjoram, cinnamon, ginger or geranium with 1 tablespoon of almond oil.

9. Milk and onion
This natural remedy acts as a natural painkiller to relieve menstrual cramps. To prepare it, you must mix a liter of milk with 250 grams of onion and bring it to boil for 15 minutes. It is left to rest and consumed hot when the first symptom appears.

Ideally, take a cup of this remedy every 45 minutes if you feel a colic again.

10. Take a hot shower
Hot water shower to combat menstrual pain.
A hot shower helps to relax and decreases menstrual pain. Also, it's a good way to stay fresh and protected during those days.

Home remedies for inflammation of the tonsils

Swollen tonsils are very common and very annoying, but thanks to these natural remedies you can deflate them in an easy and effective way.

Gargling lemon and baking soda
This special mixture stands out as a potent antibacterial and as a more than perfect remedy to lower the infection of the tonsils. And how we do it? Very easy, get the juice of a lemon, add a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda. After removing it you have to gargle 5 times a day for 5 days.

Eucalyptus and honey infusion
Eucalyptus is one of the best medicinal plants to treat inflammations. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, so it is ideal to improve the condition of our tonsils.


1 spoonful of eucalyptus leaves (15 g)
2 teaspoons of honey (15 g)
1 cup of water (250 ml)

We will heat the water and, when it reaches a boil, we will add honey and eucalyptus.
Let it infuse a few minutes and, when it returns to boil, turn off the heat and let stand 7 minutes.
Finally, we will drink and warm ourselves. It is also important to avoid cold drinks and cold foods or ice cream.
Garlic chamomile and sage
Wonderful medicinal plants very appropriate to lower inflammations. They have antiseptic and bactericidal properties, hence we can use them to reduce the inflammation of the tonsils. And how we do it? You should make an infusion with 15 grams of chamomile and 15 leaves of sage. This will help you to make almost a liter. Let boil and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Take this infusion four times a day, very little by little. Try not to be too hot.

Water with salt
The best and most common home remedy for tonsillitis is to gargle with warm salt water. The hot water will have a calming effect and the salt will help kill the virus or bacteria. In addition, salt helps reduce inflammation, giving immediate relief.

natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by causing pain, stiffness and loss of function in the joints. Especially in the wrists and fingers. Therefore, here we teach you 15 practices and natural remedies to relieve pain.

Cold water compresses

They can be used to reduce swelling and joint inflammation. It is advisable to use ice packs in the affected joint to help ease inflammation and pain. You must apply it for 15 minutes with a break of 30 minutes between treatments.

Heat relaxes muscles

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recommends using a moist heat pad or a warm towel. This can be used in the shower by letting the hot water touch the pain area of ​​your body.

Magnets can help

They are considered a useful alternative therapy for the control of rheumatoid arthritis pain. Magnetic therapies come in a variety of forms, such as bracelets, necklaces, inserts, pads or discs.

Mind / body therapies

Several studies have determined that these practices can be useful when added to conventional treatments as they help to control stress, improve sleep and the perception of pain.

Breathe correctly

According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, breathing slowly and deeply from the abdomen can help change your emotional state. It can also make the moments of stress and stress lessen in difficult situations.

Progressive muscle relaxation

To perform this exercise you must concentrate and relax the different muscular parts of the body. Start with the head, neck and arms. Then it contracts and relaxes the chest, back and stomach. To finish, work with your pelvis, legs and feet. Remember to breathe out or exhale.

Use the visualization

To perform this exercise, close your eyes, breathe deeply and imagine that you are in a quiet and peaceful place. Using this technique in times of stress can be very effective.

The meditation

With this therapy, the heart rate and respiration can be reduced, which influence the perception of pain. Some practitioners of meditation have found a reduction in anxiety, depression and greater concentration.

Tai Chi, a very effective therapy

This practice is very safe for patients with arthritis because the movements are smooth and simple. In addition, it helps increase range of motion and joint strength. Some believe that Tai Chi has a spiritual component, since it stimulates the mind to concentrate away from pain.


The objective of this technique is to stimulate several points directed to specific areas of the body to restore balance and strengthen the immune system. According to the practitioners, it considerably reduces the discomfort caused by rheumatoid arthritis.


This therapy helps control automatic responses such as heart rate, blood pressure and works by placing electrical sensors on the body, which send the information to a monitor.

Supplements for rheumatoid arthritis

Although there are few studies that support some effectiveness in some products for the treatment of this disease, these could have a favorable effect for the organism. It is recommended to consult your doctor beforehand.

Borraja's oil

Some studies have shown that along with anti-inflammatory analgesics, this product can reduce after six weeks the symptoms of RA as sensitive and swollen joints. This oil seems to be safe, but it can cause soft stools, diarrhea and abdominal distension.

Fish oil

It contains omega-3 fatty acids with an anti-inflammatory effect on the body that can help reduce morning stiffness and protect you against heart disease. This one seems to be safe when used properly. Doses greater than 3 grams per day may increase the risk of bleeding.

Vine extract

According to some studies, people with RA who take this supplement have noticed a decrease in joint sensitivity and pain. Although it appears to be safe, pregnant women should not take it, because it can cause birth defects.

Home remedies to remove hiccups

Stick out your tongue and keep everything you can out of your mouth. This trick or perform actors and singers. It stimulates the opening of the vocal cords, it breathes smoother and is a good remedy to end hiccups.

Grab air and cover your ears for about 30 seconds. Press the soft area behind the lobes of the ears, behind the skull. This sends a relaxation signal through the vagus nerve that connects to the diaphragm.

Fill a glass of water, place it at your waist, bend your back forward and try to drink water. This so forced position usually affects the diaphragm and surely the hiccups will stop. Repeat the operation two or three times.

Cover your mouth and nose and try to breathe out until you hear our ears. That extra dose of carbon dioxide can help to get rid of hiccups.

Bite half a lemon
Bite a piece of the lemon, the acid of the lemon when swallowing can cut full with these involuntary movements.
Place half a teaspoon of sugar or honey on the back of the tongue. You can repeat this process up to three times in two minute intervals.

Half a teaspoon of sugar another remedy against hiccups
Combine step 2, 'cover your ears' but now drinking used water a straw.
Use a paper bag to breathe inside (like you have in the supermarket to introduce bread or pastries), breathe in slowly, this helps relax the diaphragm.

home remedies for burns

1. Never use ice on a burn!
Ice can restrict the flow of blood to the skin and further aggravate the damage. Instead, immediately place the burned area under a stream of cold water, which helps prevent the injury from spreading, and try to keep the affected area under water for at least 5 minutes if possible.

Aloe Vera, probably the best-known home remedy for burns, stops pain and redness, reduces inflammation and stimulates growth and repair of the skin. But if you do not have aloe at hand, any cream or product that contains it will help to calm the burned area.

2. Toothpaste
For when you accidentally touch something hot without a protection, or you splash it with a boiling liquid, try to have a tube of toothpaste in the kitchen (preferably white) to use as a home remedy for a minor burn. First, leave the area under a jet of cold water; then dry it very gently with a paper towel, and finish by covering it with a light layer of toothpaste.

3. Vanilla
For minor burns, you can use vanilla extract. Use a cotton swab and dip it in the vanilla extract; then pass it very gently on the burned skin. Evaporation of vanilla extract alcohol will cool the burn and relieve pain.

4. Black tea bags
Black tea contains tannic acid, which extracts heat from burns to help it hurt less. (That same soothing compound makes black tea a great home remedy for toothaches and many other pains.) Place two or three bags of black tea, cold and wet, on the burned part, and keep them fixed with gauze.

5. Vinegar
White vinegar contains acetic acid, a component that can also be found in aspirin and that helps relieve the pain, itching and inflammation of a burn. It is also a natural antiseptic and astringent, so it will help keep the lesion safe from infection. Vinegar also extracts heat from the burn, helping to relieve pain naturally. Soak some paper towels in diluted vinegar to create a soothing compress, or use cotton swabs to gently massage the injured area.

6. Honey
The most famous remedy for sore throat, honey, is a natural antibiotic that helps prevent infection from burns. It has a slightly acidic pH that is hostile to bacteria, so once applied to the skin it can also kill the germs present or cure persistent infections. The honey will also cool the burn, relieving the pain and helping it to heal.

7. Milk
The fat and protein content of milk soothes and promotes the healing of burns. Immerse the burn in milk for 15 minutes for quick relief. Another option is to spread a bit of yogurt, since the fat it contains helps moisturize the skin dry.

8. Oats
With its soothing properties, it will help reduce the inflammation of burned skin. Oats are particularly useful when the burn is healing and you really want to scratch. Add a cup of oatmeal to the water in the tub and soak the affected area for 20 minutes to soothe the itching of a large burn.

For minor irritations, add a little oatmeal to a bowl of water and gently soak the affected area. Let it dry so that the thin layer of oats that is formed is kept, which will reduce the itching considerably.

To further increase the relief, add a little sodium bicarbonate to the water, since it helps soothe the inflammation of the skin.

9. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is an excellent source of vitamin E and also contains fatty acids that fight fungi and bacteria, so they help keep the burn protected from infection. If a burn has left a visible scar, mix the juice of a lemon with coconut oil and massage the brand. The acidity of the lemon juice will help to fade the scar, and the coconut oil will heal the skin.

10. Lavender oil
A French chemist discovered the healing power of lavender oil in the early 1900s. When a hand was severely burned in the laboratory by accident and dipped in a tub of lavender essential oil, the pain was removed and the burn healed. quickly. Mix 1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil in approximately 60 ml of water in a spray bottle. Shake this one, and spray the injured skin gently as often as necessary. Tea tree oil and witch hazel are also effective remedies for minor burns.

Slimming homemade beverages

1. Green tea

It is a drink that is recommended in diets to lose weight, because it helps among other things to reduce appetite, in addition to containing many antioxidants that help us lose weight.

You can drink up to 3 cups of green tea a day, but it is important not to add sugar. It is better to resort to honey or stevia.

2. White tea
It is a tea that also helps to lose fat and one of the best homemade purifying drinks to lose weight. One of its benefits is to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.
Drink 3 cups of white tea a day is the recipe that will help you lose weight

3. Lemon water
One of the best home remedies to lose weight is water with squeezed lemon juice.

Every day on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water and the juice squeezed out of a lemon. Not only will it help you lose weight, but you will find yourself much better physically since this drink is very alkaline. By the way, it also helps you cleanse the body of toxins.

4. Ginger Tea
It is one of the best homemade natural weight loss drinks you can take. To prepare it you should boil about 3 cups of water and cut about 80 grams of ginger root. Peel it and then cut a few small slices.

Drop the ginger when the water is boiling and then remove it from the heat leaving it covered for 10 minutes. Then you just have to strain it and you can take it. If you want, add honey and cinnamon.

5. Vegetable juices
All vegetable juices are depurative and alkaline, which means they help you lose weight. Foods such as celery, carrots, parsley, beetroot, peppers, artichokes, chard, spinach, tomatoes or cucumbers among many others are perfect for inclusion in juices or diet shakes.

The best hours to consume these juices are when we have an empty stomach, that is, between hours and of course fasting.

6. Papaya juice

The benefits of papaya are many, among these it helps us to purify our body.
The juice of papaya to lose weight can be prepared with pieces of this fruit, a teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of whole oats and a glass of water. Blend everything until you get a homogeneous mixture. Take it daily fasting.

7. Water of artichoke
To make the artichoke water, you must choose 2 fresh artichokes, then wash them and remove the end of the stem, then cut them in half and in a pot put them to boil with half a liter of water until we see that they become very soft.

The water obtained from cooking is what we drink. You drink a glass on an empty stomach and the rest, throughout the day.

8. Coconut water

This homemade drink is as simple to prepare as opening a coconut and drinking its water. It can be done on an empty stomach and helps speed up the metabolism and also hydrates more than other drinks.

9. Grapefruit juice

You need 2 grapefruits, water and a little honey. Cut them out and squeeze them to the fullest. A homemade trick to get all the juice is to put them before in hot water or put them for a few seconds in the microwave.
Pour the juice of the grapefruit into a glass and add a little water and honey. You should drink immediately to take advantage of all the properties of grapefruit.

10. Water from Jamaica
To prepare the water of Jamaica you must take 2 tablespoons of flowers of Jamaica in a liter of boiling water, let it boil about 8 minutes. Then you just have to strain it and add a little stevia or honey.

If you want to make this jamaica water more effective, you can add lemon juice or striped ginger that will enhance its slimming effect.

Home remedies for dandruff:

White vinegar

One of the most effective home remedies for dandruff is white vinegar. This ingredient has 5% acetic acid, which can create in the scalp an 'environment' not suitable for the growth of yeasts and fungi that cause dandruff.
To say goodbye to dandruff with this home remedy you will need to wash your hair for about 4 minutes with a mixture that has a part of white vinegar and three parts of water. If the dandruff persists you can try applying the mixture directly on the hair, wrap it with a towel and let it work all night. In the morning you will only have to wash your head with your natural shampoo to check how dandruff will have disappeared with this home remedy.

Aloe vera

The many benefits of aloe vera for the skin are well known, but what many do not know is that it is also one of the most effective home remedies for dandruff. This plant also has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help control dandruff and treat seborrhea.
Apply the juice of a cut leaf of aloe vera directly on the scalp. Massage it and let it act for a few minutes so that it penetrates. Then rinse the hair and wash it with a mild shampoo. Repeat this procedure daily to say goodbye to dandruff with this home remedy.

The olive oil

Dandruff often appears because of the dryness of the scalp. Regular use of olive oil will help keep your head oiled and thus avoid the dreaded dryness and peeling.
To make this homemade remedy effective for dandruff, just warm a little olive oil until it is slightly warm. Then use it to massage the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes in the hair wrapped with a towel. To finish you will only have to brush your hair to remove the scales and wash it twice with the shampoo you normally use.


Although it seems a lie, aspirin is one of the most effective home remedies for dandruff. Acetylsalicylic acid, one of the essential components of this medicine, is also one of the most common ingredients in anti-dandruff shampoos.
To say goodbye to dandruff with this home remedy you will have to crush two aspirins and mix them with a little of the shampoo you use every day until you get a paste. Then wash your hair with the mixture while massaging the scalp and rinse it regularly. If you are looking for more powerful home remedies for dandruff try mixing the aspirins with a little vinegar and apply it on your head for a few minutes.

Sodium bicarbonate

Like aloe vera, baking soda not only has a multitude of health benefits, but also for dandruff. Sodium bicarbonate changes the pH level of the scalp and eliminates the fungi that cause the dreaded dandruff.
Mix a little baking soda with the shampoo you normally use until you get a paste. Then, for this home remedy for dandruff to take effect, you will only need to massage the scalp with the mixture and rinse it.

Home remedies for urinary tract infection

Grape syrup ursi with echinacea and hydrastis

1.-The ursi grape is antiseptic and diuretic, echinacea has antibiotic action and strengthens the immune system, and hydrastis acts as an anti-inflammatory, this being an excellent combination of herbs to combat urinary infection.


30 ml of ursi or bearberry grape extract;
15 ml of echinacea extract;
15 ml of hydrastis extract.
Preparation mode

Mix all these extracts very well, place them in a dark jar and shake well. Dilute 1 teaspoon of this syrup in a little warm water and drink then 4 times throughout the day. Totaling 4 tablespoons of syrup per day.

Attention: This extract is contraindicated in pregnant women.

2. Wild cranberry juice

This is an excellent option to treat urinary infection in pregnancy, since cranberry has a high concentration of proanthocyanidins that make it difficult for Escherichia Coli bacteria to adhere to the walls of the urinary tract, decreasing the chance of contracting the disease. See other tips on the treatment of urinary tract infection in pregnancy.


250 g of blueberries;
1 glass of water.
Preparation mode

It is advisable to drink 3 to 4 glasses of this juice daily, as long as the symptoms persist.

3. Goldenrod tea

Goldenrod tea is also an excellent home remedy for urinary infection because it boils has diuretic and anti-inflammatory action that increases the production of urine, thus decreasing the time of permanence of urine in the bladder and therefore the development of bacteria .


2 tablespoons dried goldenrod leaves;
1 cup of boiling water
Preparation mode

Place the goldenrod leaves in the boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes before straining. Drink 1 cup of tea several times a day.

4. Horseradish tea

Another good home remedy for urinary infection is the use of horseradish, as it has antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve symptoms and decrease the amount of bacteria in the urinary tract.


1 teaspoon dried horseradish leaves;
1 cup of water.
Preparation mode

Boil the water and then add the dried leaves of horseradish. Let stand for 5 minutes, strain and take 2 to 3 cups per day.

5. Nasturtium drink

Another home remedy that can be used to treat urinary tract infection is the nasturtium tincture that has antibiotic, antiseptic and diuretic properties, which decrease the proliferation of bacteria in the urinary tract and stimulate the production of urine.


20 to 50 drops of nasturtium tincture;
1/5 cup of warm water.
Preparation mode

Mix all the ingredients very well and drink then. This remedy should be ingested 3 to 5 times a day. You can buy nasturtium tincture in natural products stores and in some homeopathy pharmacies.

6. 3 herbs tea
An excellent natural solution for urinary tract infection is to drink a tea prepared with medicinal herbs that help to fight the bacteria that cause the infection.


1 tablespoon (leaves) of java tea;
1 spoonful of (leaves) of horsetail;
1 spoon (leaves) of goldenrod;
3 cups of boiling water.
Preparation mode

Place all ingredients in a bowl and let stand for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink then, still hot, several times a day, without sweetening because sugar can diminish its effect.

7. Seat bath with vinegar

This sitz bath is another home remedy to treat urinary tract infections due to its powerful antimicrobial power. To do it you need:


3 liters of warm water;
2 tablespoons of vinegar;
1 clean bucket.
Preparation mode

Place the vinegar inside the bucket with warm water and mix well, sit inside the bucket without intimate clothes for at least 20 minutes. Perform the vaginal wash with this same mixture.

Home Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Rosemary tea with ginko biloba and catuaba

This tea is composed of medicinal plants with aphrodisiac properties, being that rosemary and catuaba stimulate and increase libido, and ginko biloba helps improve blood flow during erection. This tea can be taken with these 3 components together or separately. The way to prepare it is the following:


100 grams of rosemary;
100 grams of ginko biloba;
100 grams of Catuaba.
Preparation method:

Mix the dried herbs and prepare the tea using 20 g of the mixture. To prepare the tea, place 20 grams of the mixture in a pot and add 1 liter of boiling water. Cover and let stand for 15 minutes before serving.

This tea should be drunk 4 times a day for 7 days, always respecting all the amounts referred to because although this is a natural option, these plants always end up stimulating the body.

2. Muira puana tea with shells
Tea with Muira puana or also called Marapuama improves blood circulation and increases both sexual desire and libido, making it a great option to help in the treatment of sexual impotence. To prepare this tea it is necessary:


2 tablespoons of Muira puana peels;
1 liter of water.
Preparation mode

Place the Marapuama rinds in a pot with 1 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. After that time the fire should be put out, covered and left to rest for about 30 minutes until it is warm, it should be strained before serving.

This tea should be ingested 3 to 4 times a day, every day until you want or until you see improvement.

3. Tea of ​​caltrop
Tribulus Terrestris (caltrops) to increase sexual appetiteTribulus Terrestris (caltrops) to increase sexual appetite
This tea has properties that increase the production of testosterone, so it is widely used in the treatment of impotence and also increases sexual desire and appetite. To prepare this tea it is necessary:


2 teaspoons dried leaves of caltrop (Tribulus terrestris);
500 ml of boiling water.
Preparation mode

In a cup place the dried leaves and add the 500 ml of boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes. Strain always before drinking. This tea should be taken twice a day, every day until improvements are seen.

4. Ginseng tea

This root is excellent to increase libido, improving male sexual performance, in addition to this possess vasodilator property that improve blood flow to the penis. Ginseng also positively affects the quality of semen and mobility of sperm. To prepare this tea you need:


4 slices of Chinese or red Ginseng Root;
1 cup of water.
Preparation mode

Place the slices in 1 cup. In a saucepan place the water and when it is boiling, add the water to the cup with the ginseng slices. Let stand for 5 minutes, cover the cup with a cloth. Strain and drink warm. This tea should be taken 3 times a day, every day until you want or until you feel improvements.

 5.Homemade syrup with honey, guarana and ginseng

This homemade syrup possessed energetic, stimulating and fortifying properties that help to have more disposition during sexual intercourse, in addition to improving blood circulation which enhances penis erection. To prepare this syrup you need:


1 and a half cups of honey;
1 tablespoon of guarana powder;
1 tablespoon mint leaves;
1 tablespoon of powdered ginseng.
Preparation method:

In a dark glass container with lid add all the ingredients and mix well with a spoon until you get a homogeneous mixture. You should take 1 tablespoon of this syrup every morning, whenever you want or feel need. This syrup is however contraindicated for hypertensive, pregnant, diabetic and during the period of lactation.

In addition to the natural options mentioned, there are juices with aphrodisiac properties and other medicinal plants such as Yohimbe, which can be used in the treatment of this problem. See other aphrodisiac juices.

Hair loss

Onion, garlic or lemon. Extract the juice from these foods and apply it to the scalp. Let stand for 20 minutes and then clean well to remove the smell.

Carrot and coconut milk. Prepare carrot juice with coconut milk and wipe it with your hair. This will help the hair to be healthier and stronger.

Apple or rice vinegar Vinegar is a great remedy to help fight hair loss caused by oily hair; It also helps to stimulate circulation. Massage the scalp with a little vinegar dissolved in water, let stand about 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Aloe vera. Remove the pulp from an aloe leaf and dissolve it in a bowl of water. Apply the liquid on your hair doing massages and leave on for 10 minutes. Finally, rinse with warm water.

Beet. Boil some beetroot pieces for 10 minutes. Let cool and apply the liquid on the scalp doing massages 2 to 3 times per week.