natural remedies for rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that is characterized by causing pain, stiffness and loss of function in the joints. Especially in the wrists and fingers. Therefore, here we teach you 15 practices and natural remedies to relieve pain.

Cold water compresses

They can be used to reduce swelling and joint inflammation. It is advisable to use ice packs in the affected joint to help ease inflammation and pain. You must apply it for 15 minutes with a break of 30 minutes between treatments.

Heat relaxes muscles

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine recommends using a moist heat pad or a warm towel. This can be used in the shower by letting the hot water touch the pain area of ​​your body.

Magnets can help

They are considered a useful alternative therapy for the control of rheumatoid arthritis pain. Magnetic therapies come in a variety of forms, such as bracelets, necklaces, inserts, pads or discs.

Mind / body therapies

Several studies have determined that these practices can be useful when added to conventional treatments as they help to control stress, improve sleep and the perception of pain.

Breathe correctly

According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, breathing slowly and deeply from the abdomen can help change your emotional state. It can also make the moments of stress and stress lessen in difficult situations.

Progressive muscle relaxation

To perform this exercise you must concentrate and relax the different muscular parts of the body. Start with the head, neck and arms. Then it contracts and relaxes the chest, back and stomach. To finish, work with your pelvis, legs and feet. Remember to breathe out or exhale.

Use the visualization

To perform this exercise, close your eyes, breathe deeply and imagine that you are in a quiet and peaceful place. Using this technique in times of stress can be very effective.

The meditation

With this therapy, the heart rate and respiration can be reduced, which influence the perception of pain. Some practitioners of meditation have found a reduction in anxiety, depression and greater concentration.

Tai Chi, a very effective therapy

This practice is very safe for patients with arthritis because the movements are smooth and simple. In addition, it helps increase range of motion and joint strength. Some believe that Tai Chi has a spiritual component, since it stimulates the mind to concentrate away from pain.


The objective of this technique is to stimulate several points directed to specific areas of the body to restore balance and strengthen the immune system. According to the practitioners, it considerably reduces the discomfort caused by rheumatoid arthritis.


This therapy helps control automatic responses such as heart rate, blood pressure and works by placing electrical sensors on the body, which send the information to a monitor.

Supplements for rheumatoid arthritis

Although there are few studies that support some effectiveness in some products for the treatment of this disease, these could have a favorable effect for the organism. It is recommended to consult your doctor beforehand.

Borraja's oil

Some studies have shown that along with anti-inflammatory analgesics, this product can reduce after six weeks the symptoms of RA as sensitive and swollen joints. This oil seems to be safe, but it can cause soft stools, diarrhea and abdominal distension.

Fish oil

It contains omega-3 fatty acids with an anti-inflammatory effect on the body that can help reduce morning stiffness and protect you against heart disease. This one seems to be safe when used properly. Doses greater than 3 grams per day may increase the risk of bleeding.

Vine extract

According to some studies, people with RA who take this supplement have noticed a decrease in joint sensitivity and pain. Although it appears to be safe, pregnant women should not take it, because it can cause birth defects.

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