1. Green tea
It is a drink that is recommended in diets to lose weight, because it helps among other things to reduce appetite, in addition to containing many antioxidants that help us lose weight.
You can drink up to 3 cups of green tea a day, but it is important not to add sugar. It is better to resort to honey or stevia.
2. White tea
It is a tea that also helps to lose fat and one of the best homemade purifying drinks to lose weight. One of its benefits is to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.
Drink 3 cups of white tea a day is the recipe that will help you lose weight
3. Lemon water
One of the best home remedies to lose weight is water with squeezed lemon juice.
Every day on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water and the juice squeezed out of a lemon. Not only will it help you lose weight, but you will find yourself much better physically since this drink is very alkaline. By the way, it also helps you cleanse the body of toxins.
4. Ginger Tea
It is one of the best homemade natural weight loss drinks you can take. To prepare it you should boil about 3 cups of water and cut about 80 grams of ginger root. Peel it and then cut a few small slices.
Drop the ginger when the water is boiling and then remove it from the heat leaving it covered for 10 minutes. Then you just have to strain it and you can take it. If you want, add honey and cinnamon.
5. Vegetable juices
All vegetable juices are depurative and alkaline, which means they help you lose weight. Foods such as celery, carrots, parsley, beetroot, peppers, artichokes, chard, spinach, tomatoes or cucumbers among many others are perfect for inclusion in juices or diet shakes.
The best hours to consume these juices are when we have an empty stomach, that is, between hours and of course fasting.
6. Papaya juice
The benefits of papaya are many, among these it helps us to purify our body.
The juice of papaya to lose weight can be prepared with pieces of this fruit, a teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of whole oats and a glass of water. Blend everything until you get a homogeneous mixture. Take it daily fasting.
7. Water of artichoke
To make the artichoke water, you must choose 2 fresh artichokes, then wash them and remove the end of the stem, then cut them in half and in a pot put them to boil with half a liter of water until we see that they become very soft.
The water obtained from cooking is what we drink. You drink a glass on an empty stomach and the rest, throughout the day.
8. Coconut water
This homemade drink is as simple to prepare as opening a coconut and drinking its water. It can be done on an empty stomach and helps speed up the metabolism and also hydrates more than other drinks.
9. Grapefruit juice
You need 2 grapefruits, water and a little honey. Cut them out and squeeze them to the fullest. A homemade trick to get all the juice is to put them before in hot water or put them for a few seconds in the microwave.
Pour the juice of the grapefruit into a glass and add a little water and honey. You should drink immediately to take advantage of all the properties of grapefruit.
10. Water from Jamaica
To prepare the water of Jamaica you must take 2 tablespoons of flowers of Jamaica in a liter of boiling water, let it boil about 8 minutes. Then you just have to strain it and add a little stevia or honey.
If you want to make this jamaica water more effective, you can add lemon juice or striped ginger that will enhance its slimming effect.
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